if her immune system is flagging dairy as a threat, even a little bit of dairy here and there will trigger an immune response. I would strongly encourage you to try a 100% dairy elimination for a minimum of 30 days (ideally 3-4 months) to be able to assess if this is contributing to her enlarged adenoids (it is often the case) and sinus congestion.
What did the ENT say is causing the blockage? Deviated septum? I’m currently reading the book “Breath” by James Nestor and it is very eye opening. It is possible to train your daughter to breathe from her nose, and open up those passageways. Is her sleep affected by any chance as a result?
In terms of her ear congestion – you would really need to get it assessed by a doctor to know what is at play before I can offer any guidance.
However, if you suspect it might be swimmer’s ear from the pool, here are my go-to remedies for that:
-Freeze thin wet socks in the freezer – hang them straight or lie them flat. Meanwhile soak legs in something hot; hot tub, deep bin for 3 minutes. Put on the frozen thin wet socks, then put warm socks over. Prolonged cold will send blood flow to the legs and away from head to relieve congestion from head and ears. Sleep with them on.
-To dry the ears and remove ear wax, there’s a product called Debrox https://www.debrox.com/ It’s thick earwax removal. Squirt into ear, put cotton ball soaked in warm water and leave it there for 1 hour. Then take filtered water and suction it out.
-To help dry ears after swimming, use isopropyl alcohol.