Hey ,
You are on a roll! I’m proud of you! Let’s go over your question:
How long before I work out should I eat?
It depends a little bit on what you do. When you work out I would advise you to keep at least 4-3 hours between your meal and your workout. Depending on the intensity of your workout your body is going from rest-and-digest to fight-and-flight mode. This is by the way functional and what we want when we exercise.
Once you are in fight-and-flight mode, the body will divert energy away from digestion and prioritizes fueling the muscles. The 4-3 hours window helps you to optimize for digestion
Since life isn’t always presenting us with optimal circumstances you could also go for plan B: eating smaller meals in the way Bernadette mentioned.
What kind of warmups should I do?
We need stress hormones to come up during a workout for optimal performance. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the adrenals to increase cortisol production. This is the time I recommend you spend warming up.
There are so many options for warming up. But during the warm-up phase, you should start easy and increase intensity during these 15 minutes. You could start with a more old-school way of warming up, like biking, using a cross trainer/treadmill or rowing machine. If you like variation you could spend 5 minutes on a bike, 5 minutes on a treadmill and 5 minutes on a rowing machine for example.
There are infinite other ways to warm up. You could spend time with dynamic stretches (these are stretching movements in contrast to static stretches where you spend time in one position) or do more balance exercises. The goal should become warm, not tired though!
Here you can find some other variations that you might enjoy. There are some static stretches in the warming-up phase here. I prefer to leave them out, especially if you are starting with strength training.
You don’t need to memorize them all. You could choose a few exercises, learn them and add with a few other exercises once you have memorized the others. Go slow and give yourself the time to learn them!
A last thing I would like you to point out: you are building your routine. What can happen is that these warming-up exercises might already feel heavy.
Don’t worry about that!
Your body needs some time to adjust to your new healthy habits! Just go a bit slower and most importantly: don’t ever… EVER… be disappointed about your performance. Firstly, you are already doing much more than the majority of people. Secondly, if you feel fatigued much earlier than you would like, being fatigued means your body received a training stimulus and will now try to adapt. This is already a great result!
Should I be doing a cooldown?
I honestly didn’t spend a lot of time cooling down after a workout with my clients. Your body will cool down perfectly on its own. It is not necessarily what I would recommend doing though. When I train clients, I train them for one hour. In this hour I always spend time on nutrition, lifestyle or other pieces of advice, which means I have less time for the actual workout.
The end of training is a great place to work on flexibility. Spending 10 minutes on stretching will help keep your flexibility at a later age. It is a present to your future self!
Should I drink sports drinks during/at the end of my workout?
Most people don’t need the sugar after a workout, although advertisements can give you another signal. Even I as a personal trainer don’t need sugar after an hour in the gym. I agree with Bernadette on replenishing your electrolytes. Fresh organic coconut water is also a great option. It does contain a little sugar, but much less as in for example Gatorade.
The most important factor for starting a successful workout routine is by starting with exercises you love. Focussing on losing fat in the midsection is a great goal. Cardio like walking, jogging, swimming or rowing are great choices. Keeping your heartbeat around 120-130 beats per minute will help you to perform longer. At this rate, it should be hard to hold a conversation with someone, but still possible.
When you feel more confident, I would recommend you add in some strength training as well – but only after you have built some confidence in the gym! If you need more tips for this, I can definitely help you with some recommendations!