Advice on mental stimulation
Hi guys,
since Covid I’ve started working from home, it was busy at work and it was nice having more time to myself. However, now I see less people because friendships have fallen apart and my last family member passed away, so I dont have anyone to speak my second language with anymore. I just see my partner on the weekends and I occasionally go to the grocery store twice a week. My point is I’ve noticed a big decline in my memory – I can’t think of words anymore and can’t even pronounce them when I do think of them, I guess it’s because I don’t talk to anyone during the week. I used to crochet and play piano and just try new things so I can stay stimulated, but I’ve become so complacent in my routine, it’s mostly filled with just social media and hanging out with my cats. So you have any advice on what I can do? It’s getting to a point where I’m forgetting things and not being thorough in what I do..
thank you
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