Hey @Naveed Aslam,
I just discovered we’ve missed this question! I’m sorry!
There isn’t one test that covers all hormones, but if you are interested in measuring oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone and cortisol, the DUTCH test covers them. The DUTCH test also provides a lot of free information on their site.
Gastritis can be stress induced. The stress hormone you will find on the DUTCH lab report can show you if your cortisol:
Follows a diurnal pattern
And if your cortisol levels are in the reference range
If your gastritis follows a diurnal pattern, that could be a clue as to if your cortisol hormones play an influence.
Insulin resistance
Although not related to gastritis, one of your symptoms was delayed gastric emptying I believe. This can be caused by insulin resistance. Sugary foods can also worsen gastritis. That’s more related to how sugar can contribute to inflammation than the effects of insulin.
You have asked if men also produce estrogen. You’re right! In men, estrogen is a useful breakdown product of testosterone. We don’t make as much estrogen as women, but estrogen does play a role in male health as well. And since we have the hormone, men can also have their estrogen levels too high!
Estrogen receptors are also present in the GI tract. This could be a reason why women experience more IBS then men. This research from 2019 mentions that estrogen can play a role in the progression of gastroesophageal reflux.