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Oat,heavy metal urine and hair , and mycotox tests by mosaic diagnostics
Posted by hannahsyed1 on June 17, 2024 at 11:49 pmHi B,
Is there anything that should be done to prepare for the tests besides what is mentioned in their inserts? Thank you.
hannahsyed1 replied 7 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 12 Replies -
12 Replies
@Annie Sye – their inserts are usually very descriptive about the foods/activities to be avoiding before testing.
I usually share the attached handout with clients to prepare for a MycoTox test. I’ll be sure to add this to our library for next month.
As for hair test, make sure the hair has no hair dye, hair spray, gel or other chemical hair products used and I would avoid shampooing for at least 2 days before testing, especially medicated shampoos.
I’m assuming these are tests for your brother? If so, I’m really glad to see he’s now open to getting some functional tests done! That’s a win!!
@Bernadette Abraham thanks B. Yes it’s for him 🙂 it is definitely a win. I’m so grateful. Hoping we get some information with these tests.
@Annie Sye feel free to share the results (crop out identifying info for privacy) if you need help with interpretation
@Annie Sye I just remembered… since your husband and mother-in-law are both physicians, discuss with them the possibility of doing a provocation test for the urinary heavy metal test.
Typically physicians will do a trial of 50mg initially to test if it’s well tolerated, and then provoke with a 500mg dose of DMSA the night before the first-morning urine catch.
Something worth discussing…
@Bernadette Abraham thanks B. He’s still tentative about taking things so not sure we can get him to take it. Can we still get good results from the test without taking the DMSA too? How big of a difference does it make?
Also, it says you can still take medications, so his olanzapine should be fine?
@Annie Sye yes, do not stop meds. Without DMSA (or other chelator), we’re relying on what levels are currently in circulation and his body’s ability to excrete heavy metals in urine so with anyone who is “skeptical” and has blocked elimination pathways, low levels may give them a false sense of security.
DMSA is a chelator that will pull metals out of tissues so results are often much higher than without provocation. The downside is that DMSA preferentially binds to lead, so if there’s both high mercury and lead in the body, it may not reflect the level of mercury because of the type of chelator.
There’s also a risk of using a chelator because you’re pulling toxins into circulation. So kidney function is important. That’s why they usually try a low dose first to see how a person feels, before increasing the dose before testing.
@Bernadette Abraham he doesn’t tell us if he’s not feeling well, so I’m hesitant to have him do that. He’s doing hair and urine. Will doing both tests shed better light ?
Also is it better to do the OAT first and send it out, then see if detox pathways are blocked, before doing heavy metal? Do we have to send all the tests together in the box it came in? Or can each be sent out separately?
@Annie Sye yes it will help give a better perspective for sure. Which brand of urine test did you get? Genova? Mosaic? Quicksilver?
@Annie Sye OAT won’t show if his pathways are blocked. It will show if his body is being burdened by toxins and his glutathione status which is needed for detox. For that, I recommend a symptom assessment which you can find HERE from our Parasite Cleanse program. You can also watch THIS VIDEO from our Mold & Mycotoxin Illness course on how to support each pathway if he scores 2 or more in each section.
And no, generally you don’t need to send them all back at once, but you’ll probably have to pay for additional shipping because the lab usually only provides 1 prepaid return shipping envelope with an “order”. Best to check with the lab directly on that though.
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