Intermitent Fasting and Vitamins and On Digestive Enzymes
I do IF and I wanted to know when is it good to take Vitamins? I take these vitamins
- Vitamin D
- Zinc
- B Complex
- Pregnacare Multivitamin with Omega 3
- Omega 3 Of Thorne
- Reservatrol
1) Is it ok to take it during IF or it will not be absorbed as much?
2) It is recommended to take it during food or after food? – Sometimes I did take it after Food and it makes me hungry.
3) I also take Digestive Enzymes with each Meal. Is that bad? Can it lead to my body depending on it ? Do you recommend I stop Enzymes? (I do have a Dolicocolon and The dominating symptoms of dolichocolon are constipation, abdominal pain and volvulus.) My Colon transit time is so long…
Thank you <3
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