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Hi, I have a few questions but first a bit of a background that lead up to my health issues.
unknown replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 43 Replies
These were done 2.14.2024. The ones I sent was late last year. I was waiting to get the updated report from the ques lab.
Hey @Rhondine sorrell,
First of all, I’m reading what you’ve been through and I’m so sorry to hear that all this has been on your path.
For the moment, I’m going to focus on some ‘high ticket’ stuff in your labs.
Low White Blood Cells (WBC)
I can’t tell how recent your labs concerning your white & red blood cells are, but your WBC and RBC count at the time of the blood draw were pretty low. I’ll list some possible reasons why your WBC could be low. This doesn’t mean you have them, but it is good to keep some stuff in the back of your mind:Low serum levels of vitamin D (and other nutrients that are needed to produce white blood cells like zinc, vitamin A and B vitamins)
Some Infections can cause low WBC
Some medications
Thyroid conditions
Autoimmune conditions
Alcohol consumption
Low Red Blood Cells (RBC)
I’ve mentioned low RBC above. In your labs, I can see evidence of low iron. For example, most of the iron in the body is used to produce haemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen through the body. Your labs show that you’ve got low haemoglobin.Low iron can cause:
Fatigue (even if you’ve slept 8 hours!)
Tingling sensations (neuropathy), like you are describing
Hear loss
It can influence thyroid function which can cause feelings of depression (and a low WBC remember?)
Shortness of breath
Pale skin
Poor appetite
Unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as ice, dirt or starch
Cold hands and feet
Inflammation or soreness of your tongue
Brittle nails
I’m listing all these things. Perhaps you recognize some other symptoms. Did your doctors mention the low haemoglobin? And if so, did they measure your serum iron as well?
Toxicity Panel
From your DNA test, we can see your ability to detox is not the best. Does that mean you can’t be healthy? No. But in your case, you might be a bit more sensitive to toxins and a tox-free lifestyle will benefit you.
What stands out to me is that you’ve got high levels of iron in your toxicity report.
“But one paragraph ago I was low in Iron!”, I can hear you think
I know this sounds weird. It could be the moment when you took the test. Supplements can contain Iron for example. 65 supplements could contain a lot of iron. If this lab was taken after you’ve been taking the supplements, some of the measured metals & element values could become high. Therefore we need to know:
When was the toxic metals/elements panel measured compared to you taking your supplements? When was the low haemoglobin measured compared to you taking your supplements?
As you can see, labs need context. Perhaps you can Copy & Paste the next questions into a reply and answer these questions in a response:
What supplements were you taking? And what labs were drawn after taking these supplements?
You don’t need to list all the 65 supplements, just the ones you were taking.Are you on any other medications than that you mentioned?
How would you describe your diet? (Is it plant-based? How much is self-cooked vs processed? Do you eat organic? Everything that comes to mind!)
Was your gallbladder removed? (This could be a reason why your vitamin D wouldn’t come up)
When was your DUTCH test measured? On what day of your cycle?
There is more to tell about all these labs, but let’s discuss this step by step!
Low zinc was showing on the htma n my B levels were low. Definitely fatigue ,can’t stay asleep,I have cold hands n feet n inflammation.almost everything you mentioned. I asked the doctor about the low hemoglobin on the recent test but he said it’s normal . No serum iron was measured.
Is my liver causing me not to detox on my dna ? I have no idea what gene I have causing this.
I took the Dutch n oats all those before I started with the supplements. The first blood work were two months after the supplements where it showed majority of the levels low. The last blood work 2.14.24 that I sent last my rbc n wbc went back up but hemoglobin stayed low.
Yes the toxic metal was taken couple months before I started the supplements.
My hemoglobin was normal right before I started the supplements August 2023 but 2 months after the supplements about October 2023,all my levels dropped but this recent blood work this month 2024 my hemoglobin still low. The labs that were drawn after the supplements I can resend it.
I will post the supplements in another reply .
I’m taking clonopam as needed .
My diet for the last couple months I was doing a lot of juicing with fruits n raw vegetables but felt worse. I now started to eat cooked vegetables, and meat . Majority is cooked. I recently try to get grass fed beef but I try to eat but have no appetite. I do try to force to eat 3 times a day but stuck on what to eat and it gets overwhelming.
Yes my gallbladder was removed after I had twins in 2012.
The Dutch was taken on June 9th 2023 my last menstrual day I think was around may 29th 2023.
I was taking as I wake then again for breakfast lunch n dinner then bedtime. Majority were 4 pills at once . they all ad up
Cellcore phase 1
Ct minerals
Biotoxin binder
Kl support
Advanced tudcaCellcore phase 2
Ct minerals
Biotoxin binder
Para 1
Para 2
Advanced tudcaZinc
Vital protein liver capsule
Thyroid PX
Vitamin D3/k2
Progesterone quick silver
Restorative formulation for sleep
SPM complete Davinci labs
Tumeric pills -6 with each meal 18 daily
Mitochondria nutrition PQQ
Thorne resveracel
Digestive enzymes
Slippery elm
Azo bladder control -
Meant each supplement I was taking about 4-6 so usually in the morning I was taking around 30 pills all together in the morning then lunch n dinner n then at bed. I added them and it was around 65 pills. I’m now starting to take supplements again and not reacting as bad to them as before but they are different supplements.The htma test that I did this month Feb 2024 showed im depleted in minerals and having low thyroid n adrenal function . I was given another protocol but I just started that a week ago so not sure if that’s the right supplements or my body needs more . I will send the supplements I’m taking now. I stopped all the 65 supplements I was taking before last year.
I just didn’t want to go down the same road with supplements again but these I was told was to build my mineral status but a lot of the vitamins are repeated so not sure what to do . Basically I’m just stuck on what to do or what’s the next step or what’s keeping me this sick with 0 energy n extreme body burning n overheating non stop daily .
Hi @Rhondine sorrell thank you for sharing your labs and answering Daniel’s questions. Very helpful. A few things really stood out for me as I was going through your case.
1.Your recent HTMA shows mineral derangement, which means that the toxic elements in the hair do not necessarily reflect the amount in the body and that there is likely a mercury problem.
Another suspicion of mercury burden is having a history of lower WBC, RBC, platelets, and hemoblogin. In fact, I discussed a similar case in THIS VIDEO inside the Interpreting Basic Blood Chemistry course which you may find insightful. A mercury burden affects bone marrow where WBC and RBC are made and can create a high amount of physiological stress which will impact thyroid function and in turn, lead to compromised immune function. This can make one prone to viral surges, pathogens, etc.
What’s more, mercury binds to methyl groups and can bind to B12 for example and prevent it from getting into cells which can lead to neuropathy/tingling and affect the nervous system. I suspect this could have been at play early on before all the surgeries.
Another marker that can point to oxidative stress in the body is lower total bilirubin. You can learn more about that marker in this video HERE.
With mercury toxicity, we want to focus on methylation and glutathione synthesis. We need to able to methylate to make glutathione (our most potent antioxidant). But to methylate well, we need nutrients. B12, B9, B6, selenium and good protein digestion. So if you’re low in B6, and you don’t have an appetite to eat protein, and have sluggish digestion from low thyroid function, guess what, it’s a real catch 22!
The biggest question I have now is, do you have or did you ever have amalgam fillings in your mouth? Or do you consume or have you ever consumed a lot of fish at any point in your life? Or any other known exposures to mercury such as a broken fluorescent light bulb?
What’s clear is that your body is having a really hard time eliminating toxins. There’s a genetic factor at play for sure, but don’t let that make you feel victimized. There’s a lot you can do that’s within your control, and that’s what you should focus on. Remember, you were well before all of the surgeries, correct? Medications are drugs that need to be detoxified. In an already compromised detoxification system (including a missing gallbladder!), that in itself can be a major contributor that added to the toxic burden in your body and probably made the cup overflow so to speak.
What you need to focus on is emptying your toxic bucket. So rather than adding stuff into your body, I want you to start thinking about therapies that will help you eliminate stuff from your body. Your body not tolerating supplements is a clear sign it’s overwhelmed. Listen to it and go really slow.
Your body is in a sympathetic dominant state right now. Therefore, your other focus should be on helping it “feel safe”. You said it yourself. You feel “stuck”. I would encourage you to look into the Gupta Program to help rewire your brain and encourage a more parasympathetic state where healing can happen. He offers a free trial HERE.
I would also encourage you to get outside and ground daily on a natural surface (let me know if it’s cold where you live) for as often and as long as you can. This is a natural anti-inflammatory, can help with sleep, and stimulates the parasympathetic process. Don’t underestimate its power!
The next priority is sleep. Are you still waking up nightly? This is foundational and will help with nervous system regulation. I have a sleep optimization program HERE which I encourage you to go through if that’s still an issue for you. Please let me know and I can guide you further. But from your DUTCH test last year, that high cortisol spike at night will definitely keep you up. Sleep hygiene, calming teas, l-theanine before bed, etc can all be helpful.
So to summarize the priorities that I feel will get you “unstuck” are:
Determine source of heavy metal / mercury burden
Prioritize elimination of toxins
Support the autonomic nervous system (prioritizing sleep is included in this part)
Waiting to hear from you regarding my questions above.
Thank you, all makes sense. Yes about the mercury binding n not getting in the cells could have been the issues because even with 3 nerve surgeries and 2 carpal tunnel . I still have the tingling and no one could figure it out so they kept doing surgeries. Thank you for that,makes sense.
Yes after the surgery I just kept getting worse and worse and keep going to the ER n got dismissed but given antidepressants which initially I wasn’t depressed but I lost my appetite and I just started getting very sick,bedbound. I don’t have any filling I did go to the dentist got them to check ,I do however had breast implants a year after I gave birth to my twins ,back in 2013 or so.
Yes I grew up in Jamaica and I ate a lot of fish, that was a huge part of my diet. Not sure about broken fluorescent exposure. I don’t think so.
Yes I didn’t even know about toxins and stuff like that before I got sick honestly and when I got the genetics test done I was just told I can’t detox so I had no idea what to do with the results .
Yes with my gallbladder missing and not being able to detox I’m seeing definitely caused the overflow .
Thank you for saying that with the supplements because I thought I was just going crazy because I was told there’s no way I could be reacting to the supplements but it was just so much and I was doing an extensive parasite cleanse and I kept getting worse . Guess my body wasn’t ready for that at that time .
I definitely feel stuck and literally just cry for no reason but now I’m realizing my body is overwhelmed and the pain got worse and my body sweats extremely bad now . I have to change clothes and it’s winter here.
Thank you, I will look into the Gupta program. I did start edmr therapy last week ,I’m not sure if that is ok or the Gupta would be better .
Yes it is cold here, I was doing grounding standing outside during the summer and it helped but winter I’ve gotten so bad I’m in bed 90% of the time . I had a grounding mat but didn’t feel much improvement maybe it’s the type I had .
I can fall asleep easily but I can’t stay asleep.i would fall asleep around 9pm but up at 12am n up again at 3am and stay up to get my kids to school at 6am. When I wake up my body instantly starts to burn and I feel as though I’m in a 500 degree oven and my heart starts racing . In my sleep on my watch it shows my heartbeat is at 98 while sleeping . I never had sleep issues before. My mind doesn’t stop racing so I’m extremely tired when I get up.
Is the cortisol spike because of the stress? I was looking up again sleep hygiene and blue light etc and was trying to implement it ,will try doing it more . I will try the l-theanine . Never heard of it but will look it up thank you.
I stopped drinking tap water not sure where the mercury could be coming from but I double check with the doctor to see if I have any fillings but I don’t remember getting any . I did eat a lot of fish in my home country when I was younger and I don’t know if the implant could be causing it. But I’ll research more where I could be getting the mercury from.
Eliminating the toxins since I can’t detox ,do you have any suggestions how I could do that ? I changed deodorant and toothpaste etc. I started coffee enema and was looking into sauna,not sure if that’s a good idea.
Yes my automatic nervous system definitely needs supporting and sleep. I just need to figure out how to drop my cortisol level so I can stay asleep but I guess my body being in the sympathetic state doesn’t help.
Thank you so much I’m understanding so much of what’s happening to me and why I keep getting worse . I’ve been trying for the last 2 years after the 3rd surgery and was given antidepressants even though I wasn’t feeling depressed at the time . I honestly wanted to give up because I felt like no one understands even with the results but thank you for explaining it so I can understand .
With the arl lab htma test I started taking the supplements again that was recommended by for my minerals . I’m not sure if that’s ok. I’m somewhat tolerating them I don’t feel as bad as I did before other than nauseous in the morning and more sweating but it’s still quiet a few 35 daily but if that’s the right path I will take it . It’s mostly magnesium n iodine and vitamins. The b6 in there I’m a bit hesitant because I had issue with b6 before being high on blood n none in urine . Retest shows it’s ok now after stopped all the extra supplements previously but as you said about methylation I’m not sure if it’s the right form for my body.
Ooh n on my genetics , the gene that’s causing my body to not properly detox , what is that called please . I have no idea what gene I was told it’s not there but not sure where it is lol
@Rhondine sorrell
I think they mean the GSTM1 gene. You’re missing it.
Don’t worry too much about that. A lot of people are missing it. That doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy.
It just means that lifestyle choices like avoiding smoking, avoiding alcohol… avoiding toxins in general and prioritizing foods that help with detoxification (Cruciferous vegetables and vegetables in the onion family) will be wiser lifestyle choices for you.
@Rhondine sorrell as Daniel mentioned, please don’t think that your body can’t detox. It absolutely CAN. It’s just that you’ll need to pay closer attention to living a low-tox life.
So to answer your question of what you can do… there’s A LOT! And I’m glad you’re in B Better, because we break it down into bite-size pieces for our members to be able to take actionable steps.
But before I get into some initial recommendations, I just want to touch on the source of possible mercury and heavy metals. You mentioned you got breast implants in 2013. Unfortunately, these do come with a 5-10 year life expectancy and can contain upwards of 50 different heavy metals which attract and harbor mold growth as well. Here’s a post I did on “breast implant illness” I’d like you to read. There is a growing trend of women choosing to explant. You can search #eplant on Instagram for example to see other women’s stories. Would this be something you would consider doing? Searching for the right doctor is key.
Now going back to my original reply, here is what I feel will get you “unstuck”:
Determine source of heavy metal / mercury burden – so I would check with your doctor on the status of your breast implants if you haven’t checked recently
Prioritize elimination of toxins – you’re on the right track for sure thinking about saunas and enemas. You’ll want to make sure you stay really well hydrated and replenish electrolytes if choosing to do these therapies. You’ll find THIS VIDEO on opening drainage pathways insightful. And this is the video about the order in which it should be done. But you should also be focusing on eliminating as many toxins around you as possible. For that, I recommend you go through the entire Beginner’s Health Roadmap as a good starting foundation.
Support the autonomic nervous system (prioritizing sleep is included in this part) – EMDR is wonderful. You can also add in the Gupta Program. I also encourage you to go through the Sleep Optimization Program to work on Sleep Hygiene and find a rapid relief remedy to help you stay asleep in the meantime.
One other important note. Those without a gallbladder should consider supplementing with ox bile during their main meals to replicate what their organ was doing. Please watch THIS VIDEO for more info on gallbladder support.
There’s a lot more I can share, but don’t want to overwhelm you at this point. If you focus on what I’ve shared above and go through these videos and programs, you’ll already be well ahead of the game and hopefully starting to feel improvements.
Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. We’ll be here every step of the way.
Thank you for your response. Happy to be here . I’m trying to understand detox ,is it something stuck inside my body and not coming out? In the surgery they did put someone else’s placenta wrapped around my nerves and I don’t know if it’s still inside my body because the surgeon sent me to pain management and refuse to answer any question or even see me for a follow up after the surgery when I told them how I was feeling . He did take a picture of what he wrapped around my arm. I’m not sure if my body rejected it or was it even sterilized properly but my body went haywire and still going haywire . I’m not sure on the Lyme test if I do have Lyme or what I even have. I now know alot of stuff can be transferred through placenta. Before I had no idea and just went in blindly for surgeries.
Yes I looked up breast implant illness and I actually went to the surgery that did the surgery last week and he barely touched me and I was in bed . He said he doesn’t think that’s the issue but if I need them out that’s possible too. I know my body is not as strong to undergo another surgery and usually your hemoglobin has to be at a certain level he said or they can’t perform surgery on you . Oh and the specific implants was recalled couple years ago but they said if it wasn’t causing issue I should be ok so I ignored it. I will look more into that though but the surgeon said something else is triggering what’s happening. Thank you for the link I’ll read up on it more.
Yes I started enema couple times n tried to drink alot of water before and after . Thank you I will go through those videos .
I was watching the sleep program yesterday and I was trying to do that before but will implement more . I actually got 4 mins of deep sleep lastnight and when that happens in the morning I start to sweat badly n my body starts to literally burn and it goes down hill after that . The crying feels like pressure on the right side of my brain n my eyes starts to swell. It’s just heartbreaking writing this because I don’t want to be a complainer but I’m really not ok and I was trying to comb my kids hair and I kept throwing up non stop.
I’m always the strong person literally for everyone and honestly I’ve lost so much people being like this but I still try to smile and push to be there for everyone else but I realize I’m really sick.
Yes I recently started taking a gallbladder supplement I think it is from endromet gb3 . I know you mentioned b vitamins and other minerals . I’m taking them but I’m not sure if it’s the right supplements because the ingredients are repeated or if I need something else. If it’s ok I can send the back of supplements to see if it’s ok. I’m a bit overwhelmed but I’m pushing to get through .
I realize too when I take the supplements about 3 mins later it’s like the supplements are going to the surgery arm and it starts to burn then my body follows along . This recently started to happen with the pills affecting my arm.
My question too is if someone else placenta is still inside my body could I be reacting to it ? And me doing those surgeries on my arm, it affected my entire body that body even my teeth that I’m biting down on them and my bone cracks whenever I move . How could it affect literally every part of my body ?Also my elbow where the surgery it’s filled with water along with my knee so I know something is stuck.
The doctor did biopsy on my leg and said I have small finer neuropathy which is causing my body to burn , the nerves are inflamed but I know my body is reacting to something which causing the burning nerves. In my blood test my inflammation marker was at 45 with 20 being high but it came down to 9 I think because I did a lot of juicing and stuff for inflammation but I still feel inflamed .
@Rhondine sorrell look into mast cell activation to help you understand what may be happening all over your body. If the body is overwhelmed with toxins and cannot detoxify efficiently, the immune system will set off an inflammatory cascade setting off mast cells everywhere.
The burning and fire and sweating you feel at night sounds like an adrenaline response – once again, like the body sounding an alarm bell to a stressor, possibly histamine driven which isn’t uncommon at night. If you continue going through the Sleep Optimization program, you’ll see I discuss that as a possible cause along with rapid relief solutions to try.
This is why I strongly believe that you need to work on eliminating toxins AND rebooting the autonomic nervous system simultaneously.
Hi , thank you for the response. Ive been trying to watch the videos you link but its not loading from the app and I tried to watch them from the website but its completely static. Tried to restart
My phone couple times but it’s doing the same thing. Thanks -
@Rhondine sorrell oh no! The same is happening to me on my phone! Thanks for letting me know. I’ve alerted the technical team and hope they fix the issue asap. In the meantime, do you have a computer you can try using instead? The links are opening fine from desktop. Please let me know if that works for you too.
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