BBetter Home Page Forums Ask Your Questions Symptoms & Health Conditions Hi, thank you all for the prayers. Much appreciated . I did the explant surgery, everything went well.

  • Hi, thank you all for the prayers. Much appreciated . I did the explant surgery, everything went well.

    Posted by unknown on April 3, 2024 at 2:08 pm

    Hi, thank you all for the prayers. Much appreciated . I did the explant surgery, everything went well. I did get a nerve block and for two days all the burning symptoms I had went away,I had 0 sweating ,my skin cleared up, no issues but after the 3rd day the symptoms came back. So I’m guessing my nervous system is overstimulated and the nerve block calmed it down. I got back a video of the implant and it looked so bad and looked as if it was leaking,glad that is out of the way.  I did developed some sort of infection. I have a high fever and doctor checked for Covid and strep but was negative . Doc said my throat looks infected and she still thinks it’s strep. I was dreading getting antibiotics. I wasn’t given any antibiotics after surgery. I did follow the pre surgery protocol here and taking the saccharomyces boulardii probiotics . Something I noticed when I take it my skin stopped producing some weird white things that was trying to come out my skin,I literally tried everything to get those out my skin but that helped. I stopped taking the probiotics for couple days and it white stuff returned so I know the probiotics were helping and I’m having issues with my stomach that it’s addressing . Probably need to address my stomach since a probiotic calmed down my skin that well.



    My question is , I really didn’t want to take any additional antibiotic especially if it showed I didn’t have strep but I have a fever and was throwing up with diarrhea ,skin itching and super red. Doc did send off for additional test for a different type of strep but my throat doesn’t hurt or I have no symptoms of strep . I’m not sure if I should just go ahead and take the antibiotics until the other results come in? I asked the doctor if I start taking it and the results are negative from the lab what should I do she said stop taking the antibiotics. Just wanted to be sure if that’s the right antibiotics for me because if it’s not strep I know my body fighting something else. Not sure if amoxicillin can fight off other infections.



    I know now it’s the time to be supporting my body but I haven’t been doing that so much because of feeling sick just no energy at the moment but I know I have to.


    Can you please recommend  a multivitamin or anything to help with the overall stress from the surgery and to help with drainage and supporting whatever needs to be supported now. I did watch some videos but not sure what would be something simple to start with.


    Thank you

    unknown replied 9 months, 4 weeks ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Daniel

    April 3, 2024 at 9:19 pm

    Hey @Rhondine sorrell,

    If the implants look like they were leaking, I think you made the right call. I’m not sure how long your implants were there (if they are there for a long time then the next advice might not apply and you can just scroll down). Sometimes Botox is used to help implement implants. But Botox in some cases can also cause some symptoms:


    superficial reddening of the skin



    drooping eyelid or brow

    other skin discolourations

    If your doctor believes there is a possibility these symptoms might have been caused by removing the implants causing the Botox to release in the body, the antibiotics won’t work.

    Then again, it could also be a simple fever – and in that case, antibiotics won’t work either. In that case, go down to the section called “immune support”

    Post surgery there are some steps you could take to help heal the body. You can find them in this handout.

    You mentioned that your implants looked leaky. If you want to help your body detoxify you can. In your specific case, I would recommend starting with a food-based approach. Ramping up detoxification should be done from a place of strength. When toxins are broken down by the liver, the intermediate metabolites are often more toxic than the toxins. Supporting the body with supplements that ramp up detoxification can cause more harm.

    However, you can still support your body. Take time to heal. Drink plenty of water, and make sure you aren’t constipated. The liver dumps bile in the stool. This helps you to get rid of waste products in your body. You should have at least one bowel movement per day.

    If you aren’t constipated, you can go to the next step: choose the right foods! This handout helps you make targeted choices to support your liver and liver health.

    Another way to support your body with detoxification is by eating Cruciferous Vegetables. You can find a list in the handout called Cruciferous Vegetables Natural Detoxifiers.

    The third and last handout provides you with a list of foods containing glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant made inside your body. It is also crucial for detoxification.

    Immune support
    If the doctor believes your body might have been weakened by the operation and because of that, your body is more susceptible to infections, you could help your body by supporting your immune system. In that case, this handout would be interesting to read. You will find the nutrients that your body needs to support the immune system at the end of the handout. With fever, you can also look here for tips.

    If for some reason antibiotics are recommended… we sometimes need these interventions unfortunately. That doesn’t mean we can’t support the body. You can find how to support the body before, during and after antibiotics right here.

    I hope you have enough information to make educated choices. Please let us know how things develop!

  • unknown

    April 3, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    @Daniel Schepers thank you for your response. I will check out the links. I think it was leaking somewhat but it wasn’t ruptured but looked sweaty after the capsules was taken off. Yeah I’m having all those symptoms. Was a bit constipated earlier in the week but not as much now.

  • Bernadette

    April 5, 2024 at 5:20 am

    @Rhondine sorrell to add to Daniel’s reply, may I ask how your sleep is going post-surgery? This should be a priority at the moment. If you’re not sleeping well, please let us know if it’s falling asleep or staying asleep that you’re struggling with.

    Supporting overall immunity as Daniel mentioned is a wise strategy regardless of what the infection may be. If doctors suspect I or my family may have a bacterial infection, I usually take or give Biocidin (5 drops, 3 x per day for adults) along with my immune boosting protocol (10K IU vitamin D, 10K IU vitamin A, 45mg zinc, 1 tsp IAG powder 3 x per day for adults). Biocidin is a broad spectrum herbal formula with antimicrobial and antifungal properties (minus the negative effect on beneficial microbes). If my throat is hurting, I’ll gargle and swallow with this Silver Hydrosol, spray Propolis, and suck on ADP (emulsified oregano tablets).

    You can find all of these and more in my medicine cabinet must-haves guide HERE.

    I’m so relieved to hear your explant surgery went well. I have high hope for a full recovery and turnaround in your health now that these toxic bags were removed. Also glad to hear the S Boulardii was helping as well. Antibiotics create an opportunity for yeast/fungus to overgrow, so bringing on board this beneficial type of yeast can help bring a better balance to the gut microbiome.

  • unknown

    April 5, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    Hi, no I’m not staying asleep at all,no problem falling asleep but can’t stay asleep.Wake up drenched in sweat n burning severely . Everything seems intensified. I’m waking up every hour now.

    The results from culture showed no strep but I still have a fever and nauseous n throwing up still. Bacterial infections,I’ll check it out thank you .The recovery is harder than I thought but I’m trying to push through. Is there a blood test I can ask the doctor for? Because something in my body doesn’t seem right with the severe pain. It’s a bit overwhelming

  • Bernadette

    April 5, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    @Rhondine sorrell I would love for you to connect with a homeopath and naturopath. You need a strong team of holistic minded practitioners in your corner helping you through this. Do you have any friends who could provide you with a referral to someone local to you? If you don’t know any homeopaths, I would recommend you reach out to Dr. Manjari (she was a guest in B Better) for virtual support. She’s based in Dubai, but offers telehealth service worldwide. She’s excellent to have in your corner, and homeopathy is great when someone can’t tolerate supplements.



    WhatsApp number: +971-58-591-0412 for appointments

    Are you taking anything to help you stay asleep? Did you have a chance to go through our Sleep Optimization program before surgery? If not, please read through THIS section of the program where I share different sleep aid solutions as a temporary band-aid while addressing the cause. Helping you sleep soundly is a priority in your healing journey – even if it’s with natural sleep aids.

    I would also encourage you to get outside as much as possible and ground (take off your shoes and connect with a natural surface) for a MINIMUM of 30 minutes! Is it cold where you live or can you do that at this time of year? Earthing is a natural anti-inflammatory so will help ease pain in the body.

  • unknown

    April 5, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    @Bernadette Abraham Yeah I do need some sort of help badly .I don’t know anyone much here,wish it was back in my home country but I was looking for someone like that but don’t know how to find one that knows how to help.

    Yes I was looking at it before surgery but I’ll look at it again. Just feel like my brain is not understanding it or grasping it n I was usually sharp with remembering stuff.

    Yes it’s cold here still but I will try to get out of bed to do it.

  • Bernadette

    April 5, 2024 at 12:51 pm

    @Rhondine sorrell I edited my reply – not sure if you saw it. I shared Dr Manjari’s details. There are also many naturopaths offering virtual support if none are available locally. Where do you live again? I may be able to make some recommendations

  • unknown

    April 5, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    Yes I just see it, thank you. I will contact her. Appreciate it. I live in Missouri

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