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  • Wondering if there are other brands you like for fermented foods

    Posted by hannahsyed1 on June 12, 2024 at 12:21 pm

    Saw a video saying mental health is connected to the gut. Then came across fermentating fairy :


    “1. Over 90% of the feel-good hormones like serotonin, GABA, and oxytocin are produced by the bacteria in your gut. If you don’t have a healthy, diverse ecosystem in your gut, then synthesizing these hormones will be limited. Therefore, you may feel sad, stressed, or anxious.

    2. When there is a leaky gut, a toxin called lipopolysaccharide can leak into your blood circulation from your gut and cause systemic inflammation. This inflammation will affect your central nervous system, which can result in serious diseases.

    Our products will help heal leaky gut and give you the diversity you need to keep your mental health happy and healthy. So balance your gut with our ferments and live a great life!”


    Wondering if there are other products that are similar out there. They seem a bit overpriced. Although, if you think it’s worth it I’ll look into purchasing. They mention that they use filtered water to make products where others do not.

    Please advise. Wanted to get something like this for my brother. He’s on keto now, so something without sugar possibly. Thank you.

    hannahsyed1 replied 7 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Bernadette

    June 12, 2024 at 1:08 pm

    @Annie Sye In the US, Fermenting Fairy is actually my go-to recommendation for fermented foods precisely because of their use of filtered water and wild fermentation process.

    Many commercially available fermented products use a patented culture instead of using wild cultures which offer a much broader diversity of beneficial strains of probiotics.

    Lauren the founder is actually one of the upcoming guest experts I have in the pipeline to invite into B Better. Her story and journey are inspiring and educational.

    If cost is a concern, you can always attempt making your own fermented foods. It may seem burdensome at first, but it’s actually quite easy – you just need to let time do its thing.

    We have many recipes you can try in the Beverages & Fermented Foods section HERE. The easiest, by far, is kefir. It’s also the best kept secret for the gut!

  • hannahsyed1

    June 13, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    @Bernadette Abraham thanks B. I’ll just purchase their kefir for him then 🙂 my two little ones don’t let me do much these days. My son and daughter 3, and 8 months, both don’t sleep through the night and keep waking up. So it’s always a struggle. Thanks again.

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