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  • This one’s kind of gross so don’t read if you’re easily grossed out (IBS)

    Posted by ivona_n on August 9, 2022 at 9:59 pm
    Hi – I don’t change my diet too much because I like what I eat and it’s worked for me. I’m gluten sensitive and lactose sensitive as well. I eat oats with fruits, chia seeds and hemp seeds In the morning and for lunch I’ll have my meal prep which includes a mix of cooked broccoli, spinach, kale, carrots, zucchini, cabbage and lean ground turkey. For dinner I usually just snack on random gluten free snacks like potato chips made w coconut oil, rice cakes with a seed butter and banana, etc. I’ve been doing this for awhile now but suddenly I’ve been having wet farts or even mucus coming out randomly. I also have been having major consultation simultaneously. I can’t figure out what I did differently! It’s so frustrating. The only thing I’ve changed that I can think of is walnut milk(walnuts,water) in my tea instead of the usual oat milk. I’m also taking fiber powder(Psyllium husk) for the constipation for a week now. It seems to get things moving but it’s not a good flow of stool. It’s just little chunks or bigger chunks. I just got my blood test on Monday with my work (annual screening) and 43 out of 43 markers were in the green. Yet, I am constantly bloated and having these random wet farts. Some days I just fast Becus my stomach is so big but it doesn’t seem to be helping much. I also haven’t changed any supplements or doses in the past month either. I’ve been using a heating pad on my stomach anytime I feel nauseous or have constipation pains which helps. I also want to point out that this has been happening a lot- I get constipation for a week and then one day I feel terribly sick so I fast and then I end up having bowel movements all day and then I feel better. This cycle has been happening for a couple months now, once a week or two weeks. I see my GI doctor on the 25th, but I refuse to treat myself with any medications they offer as I  prefer holistic approaches. What do you think happened to me in the past month? 
    Bernadette replied 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Bernadette

    August 10, 2022 at 4:20 am

    – ok so the first thing that jumped out at me from what you’ve listed is your high intake of soluble fiber (chia seeds and psyllium husk). Did you increase your intake of these by any chance this month? Soluble fiber can slow transit time. Here is a post I did that can provide a quick visual reference of the different types of fiber. Try reducing or even eliminating these for a few days to see if it helps, and instead choose more insoluble fiber sources.

    My next thought is about stress. Has it increased this past month? If you watched the Gut Health Masterclass, you’ll know that stress all by itself will compromise digestion. Eating hygiene is simple but very powerful. I discuss this in both the Beginner’s Health Roadmap & Gut Health Masterclass if you need a refresher.

    How’s your hydration been this month? Are you taking any diuretics? Dehydration is often a basic cause for constipation.

    My next thought is food sensitivities. You mentioned that the only new food you’ve introduced is walnut milk. Did you try eliminating it for at least 2 weeks to see if that helps?

    Did your nausea start at the same time as the constipation? Nausea is often a sign of liver/gallbladder congestion. A lack of bile flow from the gallbladder can definitely contribute to slow motility and constipation so I would focus on liver/gallbladder health. I have a whole section on liver/gb function and remedies inside the Gut Health Masterclass.

    Finally, magnesium citrate 400mg+ (maximum 1200mg short term) to bowel tolerance can help offer rapid relief in the meantime while you troubleshoot the possible root causes.

    Please let me know if any of these possible root causes resonate with you. Please keep me posted.

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