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  • Remedies for Jet Lag

    Posted by Bernadette on August 24, 2022 at 12:21 am
    It’s 3:48am and I’m wide awake and ready to start my day. Jet lag sucks! It’s so hard on the body and there’s no magic bullet for countering its effects but I’d like to share the remedies I use to help minimize the duration.

    As you learned in the Beginner’s Health Roadmap, our sleep hormones are tied to the rhythm of the sun and moon which I call the “Cortisol-Melatonin Dance” in the Sleep pillar, so when we suddenly cross time zones, the body’s clock needs time to adjust to that change.

    I’ve heard that it takes 1 day for each time zone crossed to adjust – no clue if this is backed by research but I’ve anecdotally found this to be true. So I can expect to be back into my normal Dubai routine in about 6 more days.

    However, I have also found that I can slightly hack the “1 day per time zone” rule by stepping outside and grounding as often and as much as possible throughout the day, from morning until evening.

    Why? Once again, because our circadian rhythm is hormonally tied to the light emitted from the sun and moon! The different spectrum of colors that the sun and moon emit at different times of the day, communicate with our brain which in turn release the necessary hormones like cortisol and melatonin throughout the day.

    That’s why not is it only important to get outside at various times throughout the day to counter jet lag, but also as a healthy habit too. We have become indoor beings, and optimal health can only be found when we spend more time outdoors in nature.

    My homeopath friend also suggests taking 1 pellet of Arnica Montana 30c or 200c in the evening before bed (no food or water or brushing teeth 30 mins before and after taking it) to help counter jet lag as well. This is available in your B Better Fullscript dispensary and locally at Life pharmacies across the UAE.


    And finally, although I meant to try it (but got busy with kids and forgot), there is a paid app (but first trial is free) that helps you plan your travel before, during and after travel to minimize jet lag. Timeshifter customizes your jet lag plan based on your destination and other personalized variables. Seems like a cool app and I’ll definitely be trying this on my next trip.


    Do you have any other “must-do” habits to help counter jet lag? Would love to hear about them below!
    Bernadette replied 2 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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