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  • Kiddo has been Sick for 2+ months constantly

    Posted by unknown on September 20, 2022 at 5:29 pm
    Okay, so my son has been sick on and off now for two months. He started school almost two months ago so that’s to somewhat be expected but then grandma got everyone sick , including me, so we are back here again! 

    He has a bit of a runny nose, blocked nose at night, a consistent cough ( this has been the most annoying thing for almost two months) that doesn’t stop and yellow phlegm ( this has slowly turned white) . 

    I typically support his immune system when he is sick and before with Vit D , Zinc , C & A, probiotic. Recently I began adding AIG half a tbs for him.  

    And in the past, I have also given him:

    1. Gaia Bronchial Wellness Syrup ( This has helped more than most other things on this list but hasn’t fully removed whatever is going on)
    2. Kids Propolis for throat discomfort , really likes it and helps a bit
    3. Saline Spray for nose
    4. Zarbee’s Cough Syrup / Night Time ( doesn’t do much )
    5. Cold & Cough Hyland Day & Night ( doesn’t do much )
    6. Genexa Kids Cough and Chest Congestion ( Worked a bit for two hours instead of 4)
    7. Ginger & Tumeric tea , mild ( this helped break up some phlegm ) 
    I have also done steam therapy, humidifier at night , salt water gargles, grounding, all the good stuff. I also took him to the doctor and she is mentioning it could be allergies , more specific “allergic rhinnitis” and to consider N.A.E.T. treatments in the future or testing him for allergies. 

    What am I missing? What can I do better to help my son moving forward that I have not tried? Better question, what can I do to resolve his cough completely and get his immune system in better standing? 

    Thanks so much for reading this lengthy post, 


    unknown replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Bernadette

    September 21, 2022 at 7:02 am

     quick questions before I share some additional thoughts and suggestions. Does he consume dairy and gluten? Knowing that you suffered with mold illness, did you ever run a MycoTox test for him as well?

  • unknown

    September 21, 2022 at 9:26 am

    Yes he consumes dairy , gluten not so much  * family doesnt know half of the stuff they like buy at walmart like crackers HAS gluten so it becomes a battle primarily with my dad to stop giving him stuff like this. 
    I typically eat gluten free so that also applies to my son in school , Im pretty sure they give him dairy.   

    I have not yet 

  • Bernadette

    September 21, 2022 at 11:45 am

     Ok, so allergic rhinitis can be triggered by environmental allergies, such as seasonal, animal, toxins (mold), or it can also be triggered by eating a certain food, such as dairy.

    So more questions coming your way and I would for sure do a 100% elimination trial of dairy first since it is mucous forming. This may resolve his symptoms entirely.

    Other than the recent congestion and cough though, does he / did he experience any other symptoms? Did he have reflux as a baby? Have you started giving him any new supplements recently (other than the immune supportive ones). Fermented food or cod liver oil intake by any chance? I’m trying to see if histamine might be at play.

    In terms of rapid relief for the cough, have you tried my flaxseed remedy? It’s unbelievably effective for both wet & dry coughs.

    As a rapid relief for allergies/congestion, here are my favorites and reasons why:

    Quercetin (a natural anti-histamine): Quercetin actually calms the immune system to reduce or prevent histamine release.

    Stinging nettle leaf (not root): It’s also has ‘antihistamine’  action because it makes histamine receptors less sensitive.  Because of this mode of action, I tend to use stinging nettle as a synergistic, additive pairing with an antihistamine like quercetin (vs. an agent on its own). 

    I don’t think Butterbur would be suitable for your son (I think he’s less than 6 years right?) but just wanted to mention it as it might help other B Better members reading this. This one has actually been formally studied and found to be just as effective as Zyrtec at treating seasonal allergy symptoms.  Unlike quercetin, butterbur is helpful because it is an anti-spasmodic remedy. Phytochemicals in butterbur relax swollen nasal membranes and alleviate muscle spasms in the respiratory system.  When our immune system reacts to a perceived “foreign invader” (like an allergen), our cells produce  inflammatory signaling molecules called leukotrienes (which usually happens in concert with the production of histamine, as mentioned above).  Leukotrienes trigger spasms in the trachea which can help us to cough – to expel undesirable substances.  Overproduction of leukotrienes, however, causes major inflammation in the respiratory system in the case of asthma and allergy. Butterbur simply interferes with the production of leukotrienes. Short-term use (3-4 mos) is generally regarded as quite safe; long-term use has not been studied.   Note that butterbur is not suitable for pregnant or breast-feeding women (or for very young children less than six years of age).  A typical therapeutic adult dose of butterbur extract is about 200mg/day (divided into an AM and PM dose for greater absorption).  Mild headache or stomach ache may be side effects of butterbur and can be best avoided by taking it on a full stomach.  Before you ask:  yes, in very tough cases, it would be quite synergistic to pair these three agents together.

    I like to use food therapy with children, so consider trying my Onion Peel & Stinging Nettle Leaf infusion as another measure for rapid relief. Here’s the post I made on Insta showing how to make it.

    Ok, let’s keep this conversation going. I’ve got more things I can add, but will wait to hear from you first.

  • unknown

    October 4, 2022 at 1:46 pm

     Whoa sorry for the late reply!  I did not see the email reply in my inbox until now! I do want to mention that flaxseed cough remedy worked AMAZINGLY like NIGHT AND DAY. My kiddo went from couching every 7-15 seconds all day to coughing 3 times or less a DAY.

    My son turns 5 in Dec  😀

    Now to answer the questions –

    Other than the recent congestion and cough though, does he / did he experience any other symptoms? Yes sometimes he has a stuffy nose.

    Did he have reflux as a baby? None that I can recall. He was really good BUT I could’nt breastfeed for a long time as I got sick and took antibiotics. He pretty much grew up with only one month of breastmilk and the rest it was formula :/ But hey!
    He did have issues while in the womb and drank some amniotic fluid  due to complications from me hence my C section. If this helps piece things together AT ALL.
    Have you started giving him any new supplements recently (other than the immune supportive ones). Fermented food or cod liver oil intake by any chance? He takes Vit D & He takes Omega 3 but they’re vegan Mary Ruth brand  ( they were a gift so I am using them until I run out) ? which ones do you recommend ? These I dont think are good because they’re not fish derived. >.<  In terms of rapid relief for the cough, have you tried my flaxseed remedy? It's unbelievably effective for both wet & dry coughs. YES!!!! I do want to mention he is absolutely having an allergic reaction to SOMETHING because I am unsure if you remember but he has the same rough little bumps on his cheeks as my now husband does ( the deficiency in Vit A we pointed at some time ago while on video) . He's had since he was a BABY! It got better but I noticed during this whole two months he has been sick, these came back! They're not pimples, they're little white bumps that come in go with an allergic reaction it seems.  How much Quercetin can we take as a almost 5 year old? And how much nettle leaf tea ? He loves tea. 

  • Daniel

    October 5, 2022 at 6:16 pm


    If you aren’t using any anti-histamine medication you can try a therapeutic dosage of 50 – 100 mg 2x spread over the day, taken on an empty stomach!

    It might take 6-12 weeks to see some effects though!

    As for the use of stinging nettle, I will let  answer that!

    I hope this advice can give some relief!

  • unknown

    October 5, 2022 at 7:32 pm

      Thank you so much, I am currently not giving him any anti histamine medications >.< But my doctor did recommend NAET for this as well . 

  • Daniel

    October 6, 2022 at 12:05 pm


    Usually what works really well with allergic rhinitis is a combination of quercetin and stinging nettle leaf. The leaf (don’t choose the root!) is usually freeze-dried. 

    Especially the combination can reduce the histamine load on the body

    If you are going to choose these supplements, then the dosage for stinging nettle leaf is as followed: for children between 5-12 take somewhere between 1/3 and 1/4 of the adult dosage (The therapeutic adult dosage is 300 mg 2-3x per day with allergic rhinitis).

    I like the open-minded vision of your doctor. If you are going to try this, do it in collaboration with your doctor!

    And if you sticking to NAET only, definitely share your results with us!

  • Bernadette

    October 6, 2022 at 5:23 pm

     I’ve seen some pretty incredible results with NAET when it comes to food sensitivities/allergies with children. But for treating other things in adults, it’s really hit and miss. But worth a shot for your child for sure!

  • unknown

    October 6, 2022 at 6:05 pm

      Thank so much ! 

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