How to choose your probiotic!
The best source of probiotics is still fermented foods like for example yoghurts or fermented foods. But what if your microbiome needs some targeted love?This 2018 meta-analysis (just click here!) sorted out the evidence for some strains that can help restore the microbiome in certain diseases. They categorized them into strong, moderate & weak evidence. I left out the weak evidence, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try or it doesn’t work for you!
We may know way more about the microbiome than we used to, but it still is a mysterious place!
Here is a summary of what they found. It might help you in future to decide what probiotics fit best with you!
Disease dynamics that you will find guidance for are:
- Irritated Bowel Disease(IBD)
IBD: Includes swelling and irritation caused by diagnosed Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. - Irritated Bowel Syndrome
IBS is different from IBD. With IBS traditional testing won’t show any physical reason for your symptoms. IBS is a condition in which contents move too fast or too slow through the intestines, usually accompanied by abdominal pain. - H. Pylori eradication.
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea (AAD)
- Travellers Diarrhea
Please remember: Probiotics help to restore the balance in the microbiome. They are seldomly used as therapeutic interventions only!!Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD)
Strong evidence
A mix of: Bifido. longum, Bifido. infantis subsp. lactis, Bifido. breve, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. paracasei, L. helveticus, Strept thermophiles.Moderate evidence
S. boulardiiYou can find these strains in the next brands:
Visbiome(click here).
Jarrow, Saccharomyces Bouliardii +MOS (click here)
There used to be a probiotic product called VSL#3 that was recommended quite a lot in the functional medicine world. But the formulation of this product has changed. The product I recommend these days is Visbiome, not VSL#3.Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Strong evidence
A mix of: L. plantarum and B. infantisModerate evidence
S. boulardiiYou can find these strains in the next brands:
Visbiome(click here)
Jarrow, Saccharomyces Bouliardii +MOS (Click here)H. pylori eradication
Strong evidence
A mix of Lactobacilli: L. helveticus + L. rhamnosusModerate evidence
The combination of this lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium: L. acidophilus + B. lactisYou can find these strains in the next brands:
Ultraflora Biomepro from Metagenics (Click here)
Ther-biotic Complete from Klaire Labs (Click here)Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Strong evidence
A mix of: L. rhamnosus + lactoferrin + B. infantis+ B. lactis+ Strept. thermophilusYou can find these strains in the next brands:
Visbiome(Click here)
Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea (AAD)
Strong evidence:
S. boulardii (yeast)
A mix of Lactobacilli: L. acidophilus + L. casei + L. rhamnosus
*I often recommend Lactobacillus Plantarum as well(PMID: 19727002)
Moderate evidence:
E. faecalisYou can find these strains in the next brands:
Jarrow, Saccharomyces Bouliardii +MOS (Click here) &
Ther-biotic Complete from Klaire Labs (Click here)
Visbiome(click here)Travellers Diarrhea
Strong evidence:
S. boulardii (yeast)You can find these strains in the next brands:
Jarrow, Saccharomyces Bouliardii +MOS (Click here)Just a reminder!
For people who are trying to avoid yeast: S. Boulardii is a probiotic, but it’s also yeast! If you need to avoid yeast, you need to avoid S. Boulardii. If you are trying to avoid histamine, some probiotics can cause histamine elevations. You can find different recommendations in the Gut Health Masterclass!Have fun finding your probiotics!
- Irritated Bowel Disease(IBD)
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