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High Cholesterol
Posted by unknown on October 11, 2022 at 4:29 pmHi Bernadette! I’m 29 years old and have high cholesterol(HDL and LDL). I’m 166 cm tall and weigh 51 kg. The dr says that this is genetic and I should reduce my intake of carbs. I’m conscious of what I eat and work out 3 days a week.
What’s the reason for the high cholesterol and how can I reduce it ?Thanks !
Bernadette replied 2 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Hi – thanks for sharing some background info and data. Were you sick or fighting an infection when these labs were drawn? I’m suspicious of an active or chronic simmering infection (viral or bacterial) that is skewing your white blood cell differentials.
To answer your question about high cholesterol and LDL, there can be many possible reasons which I will highlight below, and so it will help if you can share additional info to be able to better guide you.
1. Possible hypothyroid function (either primary or secondary to pituitary dysfunction). Since your serum calcium is also clinically high, I’m really curious to see thyroid markers which include TSH, Total T4, Total T3, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3 and the antibodies anti-TPO & anti-TG. Has this been investigated? Has your doctor said anything about investigating the parathyroid given the high serum calcium, and measuring the parathyroid hormone PTH? Are you taking any medications/supplements?
2. What is the status of your adrenals? How is your stress level (mental/emotional, physical, physiological)? Stress alone can increase cholesterol. Have you ever measured cortisol and the electrolytes sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate?
3. Liver/gallbladder dysfunction. Fatty liver, liver congestion, and/or biliary stasis can all increase cholesterol levels. Have you every run a liver panel? These are ALT, AST, ALK, GGT, Total and direct bilirubin, Total protein, Albumin.
4. Blood sugar dysregulation. Your doctor recommended cutting out carbs because, rightfully so, a diet high in refined carbs and sugar can lead to elevated blood lipids. Elevated cholesterol and other lipids often accompany the elevated glucose levels that are seen in insulin resistance. So were blood sugar levels measured? These are fasting glucose, fasting insulin, HbA1C as a starting point.
If you haven’t explored these possible reasons, please get some additional data to check these.
In the meantime, I encourage you to read Daniel’s post about cholesterol. His article will help you better understand how the lipids functions in the body.
Hope this helps. Let’s keep the conversation going.
Thanks Bernadette! It is indeed helpful. I booked another blood test appointment for the markers you mentioned and will report back with the results.
I was not sick when my blood was drawn but I do have eczema flare-ups on my face and scalp. Could that be a factor?
I’ve had a very tough year and can guarantee that my cortisol levels are high.The Dr. prescribed iron supplements to treat the low Ferritin levels. Should I wait for the new blood test results, or should I start taking them immediately?
Thank you very much.
ok so in functional medicine, and as you go through the material and spend more time here in the membership, you will soon realize that EVERYTHING is interconnected.
And with that 1 additional piece of information you’ve shared, this has opened up a whole new series of questions…
As a general rule of thumb for eczema, here is my checklist of what needs to be optimized:
• Vitamin D, A and RBC zinc (have you checked your levels?)
• Remove gluten & dairy, and very often grains too. (it can’t be a little here and there, it has to be 100% elimination for 6 months+ while address gut dysfunctions. Have you watched the Gut Health Masterclass yet?)
• Ensure detox pathways are open (is constipation an issue?)
• Heal intestinal lining (Gut Health Masterclass has a section on gut healing with many recommendations)
• Healthy fatty acid balance (omega-3 to omega-6 ratio). And realize that gallbladder health plays a role here too since we need bile to absorb our fats! If you haven’t yet watched the Fatty Acid Balance course or Gut Health Masterclass, please make time for those. It’s critical for cell membrane integrity and skin health.
• Remove any other food sensitivities. Need to calm the immune system. (if finance allows, consider a food sensitivity test)You can see that much of it goes back to the gut and immunity. What is your diet like? What have you tried with regards to optimizing digestion and gut health so I can help you troubleshoot? Have you done any comprehensive functional stool tests?
You can also read through the Eczema fact sheet in the Symptom Dictionary if you haven’t seen that yet.
With regards to your question about iron, it’s not always a matter of supplementing with iron. You also need to figure out the root cause of your low ferritin. For that I encourage you to watch the section on iron in the newly released Mineral Balance course which shares risk factors to consider, signs & symptoms, test markers and optimal ranges, and how to correct it. Supplementation is not always warranted.
Please make the time to review these resources that I’ve shared with you here, in addition to the additional suggested labwork, and I look forward to being able to continue guiding you.
Hello, I am currently pregnant and being told that I need to get the c-vax because of US immigration. I am 14 weeks pregnant. I want to know the risk. I am going to do my best and delay taking it, but there is a strong possibility that I will have to take it in the future, if the law doesn’t change. I am due in April and I am thinking that I will hopefully breastfeed for 6 months and eventually have to take it after, if no other choice present itself in the near future. Please advise on possible adverse effect if I take it while pregnant. Also, is there any way to detox it out in my system if I have to take it.
Sorry did not meant to post there. Will see if I can delete
no worries
First, I’m really sorry that you are being coerced into a medical decision you’re not comfortable with. Is this still happening in the US or I guess certain states?
Regarding possible side effects, the data on pregnant women is unfortunately still very limited. However, I do want to share a few resources that discuss the possible risks since you asked:
This is the most recent research I could find on the possible risk of miscarriage (or what they call spontaneous abortion) at various stages of pregnancy. If you read in the discussion notes, there are a lot of variables and flaws that make it really difficult to say if these numbers are accurate or not.
Here is an article written in 2021 (so not the most recent) but they do share some interesting resources that can be used as a starting point for you to question and look into, like what are the most recent VAERS numbers of reported miscarriages? These are severely underreported as the VAERS system is not integrated into the medical system fully. It’s “optional”.
Unfortunately, there is no way to detox the mRNA V, as they do not used adjuvants like traditional jabs do.
Please let me know if you have any other questions regarding the resources I’ve shared.
Hope they help bring some clarity and the ability to make a more informed decision.
Hi Bernadette,
I got the result back for the markers you recommended testing.
The Dr was concerned about my low cortisol levels. I’m surprised it’s low. I’ve been super stressed out and anxious for over a year. Could it be Adrenal Fatigue ?
2 years ago it was on the higher range : 16.35 ug/dl and 451.0 nmol/L .Is there a correlation between my recent blood work and my high cholesterol ?
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keep in mind that cortisol rules over the thyroid, so it makes sense that you have sluggish T4 to T3 conversion. And yes, as I stated in my initial reply about the possible causes of high cholesterol, hypothyroid function and stress are both root cause reasons. So I think we’re onto something for sure.
Your electrolytes also point to a pattern of parasympathetic dominance, which usually happens after a period of “flight or fight” chronic stress. It’s the way the body protects itself from ongoing stress.
Helping your body feel safe, and in “vacation mode” is the best way forward.
Do you have GI related symptoms? If so, I would also consider a GI map since your white blood cell differentials are pointing to some sort of low-grade simmering infection. This can also be taxing the immune system and thyroid conversion as well.
In addition, ensure that your iron/ferritin, selenium, vitamin A and zinc are optimal since these are needed for thyroid conversion as well.
Hi – just wanted to check in with you. How are you doing?
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