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  • Pregnancy and vaccine

    Posted by unknown on October 13, 2022 at 12:37 pm
    Hello, I am currently pregnant and being told that I need to get the c-vax because of US immigration. I am 14 weeks pregnant. I want to know the risk. I am going to do my best and delay taking it, but there is a strong possibility that I will have to take it in the future, if the law doesn’t change. I am due in April and I am thinking that I will hopefully breastfeed for 6 months and eventually have to take it after, if no other choice present itself in the near future. Please advise on possible adverse effect if I take it while pregnant. Also, is there any way to detox it out in my system if I have to take it.
    Bernadette replied 2 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Bernadette

    October 13, 2022 at 12:57 pm

    Hello ,

    First, I’m really sorry that you are being coerced into a medical decision you’re not comfortable with. Is this still happening in the US or I guess certain states? Perhaps other members might be able to chime in as well…

    Regarding possible side effects, the data on pregnant women is unfortunately still very limited. However, I do want to share a few resources that discuss the possible risks since you asked:

    This is the most recent research I could find on the possible risk of miscarriage (or what they call spontaneous abortion) at various stages of pregnancy. If you read in the discussion notes, there are a lot of variables and flaws that make it really difficult to say if these numbers are accurate or not.

    Here is an article written in 2021 (so not the most recent) but they do share some interesting resources that can be used as a starting point for you to question and look into, like what are the most recent VAERS numbers of reported miscarriages? Unfortunately, the VAERS (Vax adverse event reporting system) is not integrated into the medical system fully so adverse events are severely underreported.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to detox the mRNA V, as they do not use adjuvants like traditional jabs do.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions regarding the resources I’ve shared above.

    Hope they help bring some clarity and the ability to make a more informed decision.

  • unknown

    October 13, 2022 at 1:46 pm

    Thank you so much. With your comments from yesterday, I was able to look up the research for spontaneous abortion. Data is limited and I don’t want to risk it.

    Unfortunately, it was passed on Oct. 1, 2021, applicants subject to the immigration medical examination must complete the COVID-19 vaccine series. It’s federal and if you want to become a USA resident, they now require it. They have a form to fill out if you don’t want to take it, but I have been told it’s a waste of time and will just create a backlog adding years to the application.

    I have seen a new vaccine called Novavax, I am looking into that vs mRNA one since it’s supposedly different.

    Thank you as I have to brace myself and stand in my decision.

  • Bernadette

    October 13, 2022 at 1:49 pm

     ugh – I’m so sorry. Stand strong. We all support your decision here and understand the frustrations that come with this type of coercion.

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