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How to Detox my 4 year old
Posted by unknown on October 16, 2022 at 4:01 pmOkay Bernadette, how can I start detoxing my 4 year old almost 5 year old from toxins, heavy metals & pollutants?I’ve seen certain products about this but I am wondering which is safer.
Thank you so much for any input!!!
Bernadette replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Hey ,
Detoxing your body is usually done from a place of strength. When toxins come back into circulation they are temporarily free before they get bound up and excreted. Does your kid feel a bit better? I would recommend ramping up detoxification only after your kid feels a bit better and meanwhile focusing on supporting the immune system.
Detoxification goes for a big part through the gut. If there is constipation, I would recommend addressing this first because toxins can be reabsorbed in the gut. Do you know if your kid has regular bowel movements? Preferably once a day?
Do you suspect some form of toxicity? Did you for example test for heavy metals? If so, would you mind sharing the test results with us? (If you have by chance an organic acid test, that would be insightful too)
Are there other toxins you suspect? Mycotoxins from mold or fungi? Bacterial toxins from for example clostridium?
It will be helpful to know so we can support you with the right kind of supplements to advise.
There are still things you can do. Possibly you have already done this or are doing them. Here are some basics for detoxification. The first part helps you reduce toxin exposure. The second part are some detoxification recommendations for foods & nutrients.
Here are some exposure sources for heavy metals. The list is inconclusive, but it contains sources that are more common:
• Community/School/Home playground equipment or decking made with pressure-treated wood –> Dominant heavy metal: Arsenic
• Smoking (or lived/worked with) –> Dominant heavy metal: Cadmium.
• Heavy intake of large fish (e.g. tuna, swordfish) –> Dominant heavy metal: Mercury.
• Heavy intake of shellfish (e.g. shrimps, scallops) –> Dominant heavy metal: Arsenic
• Lived in old home with original plumbing & paint –> Dominant heavy metal: Lead
• Silver/amalgam fillings –> Dominant heavy metal: Mercury.
• Frequent intake of pesticide-laden foods (includes home gardens grown in prior farming land) –> Dominant heavy metal: Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead.
• Welding and metalworking –> Dominant heavy metal: Cadmium. (I guess your kid didn’t do such a thing, but I’m just giving you a complete list!)Recommendations for foods:
The liver needs nutrients to make toxins water soluble so they can be excreted.Some important detox pathways that you can support with nutrition:
• The Methylation Pathway.
This needs foods rich in vitamin B12, folate, vitamin B6 & B2. If you are supporting with a b complex, make sure the b vitamins are in the bioactive form! So choose • methyl-cobalamine for B12,
• methyl-folate for folate and
• Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P-5-P) for vitamin B6
• The Sulfation Pathway
Foods that are rich in sulfur. Like:• Everything in the onion family: Leach, Onion, garlic, etc
• Everything in the cruciferous vegetable family: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbages, Arugula, etc.
• Glutathione Pathway
Needs:• Vitamin B6
• Selenium (Think Brazil nuts, beef, turkey, chicken, beans & lentils)
• Amino acids (Because Glutathione is made of Glycine, Glutamine & Cysteine)Although it doesn’t help the pathways above, I would like to mention cilantro as well, since it is often used for detoxification as well.
Let us know what type of toxins you suspect and why, so we can support you in the best way possible!
Daniel shared great insights about detox. In addition, I would add in bile binders to help eliminate toxins from the body. Here is a passage from Dr. Jill’s book about binders:
“Environmental medicine guru, Dr. Walter Crinnion has been treating environmental illnesses of all kinds for decades (including mold). He uses fiber that have been shown to bind bile and reduce toxin burden. In his book, Clean, Green and Lean, Dr. Crinnion recommends rice bran fiber. Rice bran fiber and other similar fibers work very effectively at grabbing toxin-laden bile from the intestines so they’re pooped out and not reabsorbed.”
Knowing that you’ve struggled with mold and is likely the case for your son as well, the following list of insoluble fibers are mycotoxin-binding in order of least constipating to most constipating:
Chia seed
Rice bran
Oat bran
Psyllium huskIn children, I always prefer to use a food first approach. And lots of sweaty, outdoor play!! If he doesn’t sweat easily, draw up a hot bath for him and add 2 Tbsp ginger powder to the water to help him sweat.
Bitter foods and bitter supplements like QuickSilver’s Bitters No. 9, can also help stimulate production and flow of bile – all in the name of supporting our body’s natural detox process.
I do not have experience with that brand of zeolite you shared so I can’t comment, but in general, zeolite can be an effective binder that is utilized (and so can activated charcoal, bentonite clay, fulvic & humic acid (ex. Cellcore’s Biotoxin binder), etc), depending on what your son is dealing with.
Hope this helps!
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