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  • Daniel

    October 17, 2022 at 2:48 pm

    Hey ,

    In general, magnesium is necessary to relax muscles. Magnesium also helps you to deal better with emotional stress. One mechanism through which we think this works is because magnesium is making it less easy for the NMDA receptor in the brain to get excited. 

    The NMDA receptor is a receptor for stimulating the neurotransmitter glutamate. With a magnesium deficiency, this receptor gets more easily stimulated.

    So all absorbable magnesium can work calming in the presence of a magnesium deficiency.

    The ‘bonus’ molecule attached to the magnesium determines how absorbable the magnesium gets. For example, magnesium glycinate is really good absorbable. On top of that, the glycinate molecule has calming properties as well and definitely would fit really good in a supplement targeting mental health.

    Magnesium citrate gets absorbed as well, so it can improve mental health… because it has magnesium.

    But magnesium citrate attracts also water to the column causing loose stools much faster than most other forms of magnesium. That’s why we recommend it when you experience constipation.

    And a little insiders secret: Functional medicine practitioners always look up supplements by the ingredient list, and mostly ignore marketed names

  • ranakolankiewicz

    October 17, 2022 at 3:14 pm

    true I agree it’s the ingredient but still I was wondering how it works on relaxation while it’s citrate and not glycinate. Thanks

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