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  • Opinion on Dutch Test results

    Posted by jdean71 on October 17, 2022 at 6:16 pm
    My daughter who has the history of migraines, vertigo, stomach issues (recently finished protocol for H-Pylori) Just received her results back from the Dutch hormone test. Hoping you could weigh in on her results. I have watched and studied the Gut Master class numerous times.  She is really miserable with vertigo right now! Wanting to make sure they have her headed in the right direction for getting better movement from the detoxing. Also,  may be helpful for someone else so see how the process looks.
    thank you,
    Jill Dean


    Bernadette replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Daniel

    October 17, 2022 at 7:21 pm

    Hey ,

    Great! I do see only the front page of the report. Is it possible to screenshot the other pages as well?

    And how old is your daughter?

  • jdean71

    October 18, 2022 at 8:38 pm

    Here you go! Let me know your thoughts.
    thank you! Jill[Dutch test results.pdf]

  • Bernadette

    October 19, 2022 at 11:09 am

    Hi  – I’m sorry your daughter is struggling with vertigo right now.  Did she explore toxicity/heavy metals/mold/histamine overload as the possible root cause and try any of the recommendations I had shared previously in this post for symptom relief?

    Please let me know what has been done/tried since that post so I can better guide you.

    Addressing the H Pylori was a great first step. Please re-test to make sure the overgrowth was properly dealt with. Her stomach acid likely needs support if she had an H Pylori overgrowth, and this is important to be able to absorb proteins needed for mitochondrial health (specifically carnitine and CoQ10). Poor mitochondrial health can be a major contributor to migraines and toxins also affect mitochondrial health.

    I have had clients do a trial of 500mg L-carnitine and 100mg ubiquinol (form of CoQ10) – both twice daily – to see if it helped with migraine incidence and/or severity. It has worked for my clients many times!

    Adding in binders (if tolerated) 30-45 minutes before a sauna/sweaty exercise session will also help reduce her toxic burden whatever it is (if that’s at play). This has also helped many of my clients suffering from migraines.

    Her DUTCH test showed a need for B12 and phase 2 liver detox support, which is dependent on proteins and good stomach acid production. So what is her diet like? Does she eat animal products? Supporting stomach acid will help with protein absorption and phase 2 detox. She may also need a B complex that emphasizes B6 (P5P form), B12 and folate (B9). Seeking Health has great methylation products (here’s one for example).

    I would also investigate her blood sugar status since there seems to be some androgen dominance at play. Stress and higher insulin can increase testosterone in women.

    For rapid relief of the migraine, she can try the frozen socks method which I share in the new Protocols section. This helps pull blood away from the head to relieve the pressure.

    For migraine prevention, clients have had success with magnesium supplementation to relax any tension in the body, and therapeutic doses of riboflavin/B2 (400-500mg). (Seeking Health has a good one)

    Let’s keep the conversation going… 

  • jdean71

    October 19, 2022 at 6:12 pm

    She did a mold urine test a couple of months ago. It came back with very low exposure. But there was exposure. We treated for metals and parasites 1.5 years ago with the cellcore protocol. She did 2 rounds of it. H-pylori was 1600 retest was 400. She has been taking the Pure Digestive enzyme with Betaine. Is this still a good option for supporting stomach acid? She does eat animal protein.   She started taking the Thorne Basic B you recommended. I don’t know how consistent she has been. I have felt all along there is an over load of histamines or just as her dutch test showed, an overload of hormones from poor phase 2 detox. Is there a specific test for histamine? Or which histamine supp might you recommend from seeking Health? Her stomach seems to be feeling a bit better. Although she wakes up starving. And often feels really hungry even if she has eaten a large meal.

    All of these symptoms, the vertigo, migraine headaches and gut issues started within a week of starting BC. 3 years ago. 
    I have wondered if a binder would be a good option. She did the Cellcor binder back when she detoxed from the metals. 
    I will get her going on the L-carnatine and Ubiquinol.
    Maybe she needs to try the Quicksilver Methy-B complex? Maybe she doesn’t methylate well?

    thank you for you input! Means so much! I have studied and researched trying to find answers. And we have tried a lot!
    Pleas keep this conversation going…

  • Bernadette

    October 20, 2022 at 1:54 pm

     please note that if her detox pathways were blocked when she did the Mycotox test, she may not be properly excreting mycotoxins in her urine, so a low level on the test may actually be reflecting poor detox status instead of the actual level of mycotoxins.

    Very often when clients begin to feel better, and their drainage pathways are beginning to open up, when they repeat the Mycotox test, the levels become much much higher. And that’s because they’re now actually excreting them in urine.

    This is where the Mycotox test can be a bit tricky and misinterpreted, especially if you know there was exposure to mold. Is she still living and working in the same moldy environment? If so, was an ERMI test done to test the level of mycotoxins in that environment?

    As for testing for histamine, yes, there is a test that can be done to see the level of degradation of histamine (DAO). But instead of spending more money on testing, a trial of Seeking Health’s Histamin Block or Histamin Block Plus (which contain DAO enzyme to process histamine) could be telling. Here’s more literature about DAO gene and enzyme to figure out which one is best.

    Please re-read both posts I shared carefully, as I did share some product suggestions for those with methylation issues (with links).

    Regarding stomach acid support, she can consider a dosing challenge to determine the dose she needs with Biotics Betaine Plus HP. Here are the instructions in the Resources section.

    While all of these measures will be helpful, I’m sensing that mold is at play. I could be wrong since I’m just getting bits and pieces of her case, but if she’s still exposed to mold, parasites will continue coming back, creating a vicious cycle. So for me, step 1 should be to check her environment with an ERMI test if that hasn’t been done. Let me know if you need guidance with that.

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