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Severe anxiety following illness
Posted by blanc_nouage on October 24, 2022 at 5:05 pmHello,I recently noticed that my anxiety was creeping up again. I got panic attacks when I didn’t sleep well or was really tired. This week I was sick, had a fever, cough etc. I had been sick for a couple of days and suddenly had a very sever panic attack and since that day I feel unlike myself. I feel like I’m waiting for another panic attack and keep tearing up or crying because of this feeling and the other negative thoughts I have. My anxiety feels very physical. I still feel unwell, dizzy, blurry vision (sometimes I see horizontal lines), difficulty breathing and coughing. I also feel a constant pressure in my head. I don’t know if this is relevant but a few weeks ago I think I got food poisoning and my gut health in general hasn’t been great. I also have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.
Any information or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Bernadette replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 17 Replies -
17 Replies
Hello – severe anxiety following an infection is usually due to a need for more tryptophan – an essential amino acid protein that we cannot make, but need to get through food.
So question #1 to you – do you consume enough animal & plant protein sources rich in tryptophan? Here’s an expanded list of foods rich in tryptophan.
Given that you have hypothyroid function, stomach acid production may also be compromised since everything in the body becomes “sluggish” with underactive thyroid function. We need good strong stomach acid to break down our proteins from food, including tryptophan and other amino acids which are critical for neurotransmitter production (and regulating mood!).
So from a root cause approach – how would you rate your overall digestion and gut health? Given your recent bout of food poisoning, I suspect low stomach acid might be at play since stomach acid acts like a “cleansing tank” preventing pathogens from entering our GI tract.
Supplemental support with hydrochloric acid betaine (if confirmed there is no H. Pylori bacterial overgrowth) or digestive bitters might help offer rapid relief. Have you ever done a comprehensive stool test like the GI map to get an idea of your gut health? I know you’re new to B Better, so here’s the video on GI map interpretation inside the Gut Health Masterclass to give you an idea of what this test offers.
So going to back tryptophan for a minute… it helps with mood and sleep. Has your sleep also been affected?
When we get sick, our immune system needs support. Tryptophan helps with immune activity, so instead of those resources being used to make neurotransmitters like serotonin, which help us feel calm, and sleep well, it will instead be used up to support immunity.
Here’s a diagram that shows these 2 pathways where tryptophan is used in the body. When there’s an infection, the body shifts tryptophan away from the right (down the serotonin/melatonin pathway) and instead shifts it to the left down the “kynurenine” pathway, leaving a person feeling more anxious since low serotonin will lead to anxiety and poor sleep.
Increasing your animal protein intake (if it’s been low) and/or supporting digestion (stomach acid), or supplementing with tryptophan with B6 its cofactor might help. You can search for it in the B Better Fullscript dispensary. Here’s one possible supplement option.For rapid relief, you can also try the ice water face dunk to stimulate the vagus nerve and parasympathetic process or some of these other tips shared in this post. Gargling and humming can also help as they all stimulate the vagus nerve.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Let’s keep the conversation going and get you feeling better again soon.
Bernadette, thank you so much for taking the time to give me a thorough answer. I got a H. Pylori test done today in order to know how to address my gut issues. I will look into getting the supplement you recommended. I’m just trying to be gentle with myself and rest as much as I can.
please keep us posted with your results. We’re here to support you.
Hi Bernadette, the H. Pylori test came back negative. My anxiety got slightly better, but I developed some other symptoms. I’ve been having dizzy spells and some swallowing difficulties. Sometimes when I swallow (even just saliva), it feels like I suffocate and lose control. It’s hard for me to explain. And last night I wasn’t able to have dinner, felt like the food was poking the back of my nose. I currently also cannot sleep properly because of this. I don’t know if this could be gut related, sinus issues or something else. It’s been hard trying to figure out what is going on with my health recently.
just to be on the safe side, I think it’s best that you see a doctor about that symptom with difficulty swallowing and rule out neurological deficits, obstructions of the esophagus or a motor disorder.
Usually, the assessment goes as follows:
Difficulty with solids only: can indicate an obstructive lesion
Difficulty with liquids and solids: can indicate a motor disorder
Difficulty initiating swallowing: can indicate a neurological deficitIf the above are ruled out by a doc, look to a parthyroid dysfunction and/or biliary stasis. The parathyroid glands are a pair of small glands, located in the throat near the thyroid.
If you feel there’s a lump in your throat, this could be associated with a potassium insufficiency and/or gallbladder dysfunction with biliary statis.
Please watch this video on the the major players of digestion to understand the role of the gallbladder in digestion. And here’s a video on solutions for supporting the liver/gallbladder if this is at play in your case.
Have you ever tested your liver markers? These are ALT, AST, GGT, Alk Phos or ALP, Total and Direct bilirubin, Albumin, Total protein. If so, please share your results so we can help guide you better.
Hi – just wanted to check in with you. How are you feeling?
Hi! I’m feeling better thank you. I think my throat problem is related to my digestive issues. I’ve been having a burning stomach, my throat feels tight after eating and it feels like I’m choking on my saliva somehow. I also feel bloated and belch quite a bit. It feels like gas is stuck in my chest. Anything acidic makes it worse. I’m taking probiotics and avoiding irritating foods but still struggling. I guess all my health issues caught up with me after getting sick.
how was the H Pylori test done? Breath? I’ve seen many false negatives to be honest… my favorite test is by Diagnostic Solutions (it’s stool PCR) but it’s not covered by insurance.
If anything acidic makes it worse, that’s usually a sign you need a period of gut healing first. Here’s the video on that. Something like GI Revive powder/capsules or GI Relief for at least 30 days might offer some relief so you can better tolerate anything acidic (which you likely need, but not before putting out the fire first!).
yes the H Pylori test was a breath test. I was actually adding lemon water to my morning routine and noticed it made things worse recently so I guess you are right! I watched the video and will work on my gut. Thank you
Hi Bernadette! I wanted to update you on my health. It’s been a rollercoaster ride for me and still is! I got better and felt that my anxiety was manageable and now I’m back at it again. I’ve been working on my gut health and I feel better (no more burning stomach pain and no bloating). I do struggle sometimes due to trapped gas in my chest. But my anxiety has been so debilitating. It feels very physical, I get palpitations, I feel like I can’t control my breathing and I feel like I’m being chocked. I often feel dizzy and have headaches. I have eye floaters and eye cloudiness. As a result, I have had to take time off work, I’m unable to drive with ease and I my day to day life has been greatly impacted. I often feel depressed and unmotivated to do the smallest of tasks such as tidying up my home. I recently tested my ferritin and it was 24 last month, this month it is 13. I remembered a time in my life that I was facing debilitating anxiety and it was the same back then, I had anemia and gut issues. That time I got an iron transfusion but felt dreadful after it and it took a very long time to feel normal again. Iron tablets from the hospital also seem to just worsen my symptoms. Any advice? Should I be checking other things? FYI, my thyroid results are “normal” according to my Dr and the antibodies are lower than last time.
I’d love to take a look at your labs. Would you be comfortable sharing your results here so we can take a look at them and help you troubleshoot?
You can crop out any identifying information and change your profile name to an alias for confidentiality if you prefer. Here’s a video I did to show you how to do that:
I can also suggest that I review your case live on our next case study call in March if you’d be interested in that opportunity. (January is already booked)
My hunch from everything you’ve shared so far is parasites and possibly yeast overgrowth. They often go hand-in-hand.
Have you ever done a parasite cleanse?
Thank you so much for all your suggestions in the previous post. I was going through something difficult recently, which is why I have been inactive on here. I went to see 2 naturopaths since my last post. The first one did a lot of things, which included chelation, vitamin B12/D injections, and ozone therapy. I definitely saw some difference in my health but due to lack of explanations I went to another naturopath. The other one requested some blood and stool tests, which I will share here. I have not gone back to any of these doctors due to differing circumstances and I would really appreciate your input.
Also, a very important update is that I no longer have severe debilitating anxiety and I’m doing much better overall. I still struggle with fatigue, brainfog, and some digestive issues. I also struggle to feel motivated to do things, but I’ve been trying.
I also changed my Endocrinologist and she reduced my Levothyroxine dose as my previous doctor refused to and I think this has helped me feel better.
Below are my results for your input. Thank you for all your efforts. [1. Thyroid Blood Test.pdf][2. Glucose Blood Test.pdf][3. Liver etc Blood Test.pdf][4. Stool Test.pdf][5. Comprehensive Blood Elements Test.pdf]
did any of your naturopaths have you run any functional tests other than the heavy metal test? I would have loved to see a GI Map with Zonulin in that list of tests and an OAT test given your complaints with fatigue, brain fog, and digestive issues.
I’m still suspicious of H Pylori and possibly other microbial overgrowths (yeast is notorious for brain fog) and parasitic infections, despite the negative breath test and parasitology they ran for you. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen false readings.
I’m glad to hear that your severe anxiety has lessened. If your first naturopath did chelation therapy, I’m assuming there were high levels of heavy metals? This can lead to severe anxiety in people. The toxic elements test you attached doesn’t show the result bars for some reason… was this test done before or after your chelation therapy?
Can you please share what your doctors prescribed for you in terms of supplements/diet and what you’ve implemented from their guidance. For example, selenium which is critical for thyroid health was low. Did you supplement to correct this deficiency? What else have you been doing? This will help us guide you better.
Your thyroid antibodies are elevated. What type of diet are you following? As a minimum, when there is autoimmune activation, dairy and gluten should be eliminated 100% for a minimum of 4 months as a way to help calm the immune system. Due to molecular mimicry and cross reactivity, these proteins resemble thyroid tissue, and would be best avoided while working on healing the gut lining. Leaky gut is always at play in autoimmunity.
In the meantime, please watch this video on recommendations for autoimmune thyroiditis if you haven’t already done so. And this video shares facts on what contributes to autoimmune disease to help you start thinking about possible root cause factors in your life.
Hi again! 🙂
My first naturopath used a bioresonance machine to diagnose me, the first time I saw him he said I had a flu virus and “dead” fungus left in my body (I had done a candida cleanse around 2 years prior), weak stomach and intestines. To be honest, I’m not sure if I had chealtion because he didn’t really explain his method but I assumed that it was based on the supplements he gave me. He also worked with me to address mental/emotional aspects that might have been affecting my body. He told me to omit dairy, gluten, processed food, sugar (I did this for around 1-2 months initially) and to avoid dust and any chemicals in household & personal care products. He recommended several supplements in the course of his treatment, some are:
• Ashwagandha, magnesium biglycinate, calcium carbonate, zinc, liquorice root, curcumin, blue green algae, omega complex, milk thistle, cranberry protein powder.
• Ozone treatment to combat oxidative stress with vitamin b complex in IV, and vitamin D injections.I have to say my health did improve with the help of this doctor but I got frustrated as he would give supplements and tell me to take them without going into why I need them.
The second naturopath is the one who ordered the tests I attached in the previous post but she is no longer practicing so I wasn’t able to get any advice from her. I was supposed to get a GI Map but the clinic ran a GI panel instead, do you have any recommendations as to where I can get this done in Dubai?
As for my thyroid, these are the best level of antibodies I have had in years, they were above 2000 and in the 1000’s previously. They did not change much with the naturopath treatment, however, I witnessed a slight reduction in my thyroid size following the treatment.
I have attached the results of the blood elements test here again. Please note that I had not been supplementing selenium, I have ordered the supplement you recommended from Thorne. As for my iron, it shows that it’s high in my blood elements but my ferritin has been low every time I tested it the past year or so (18.51 last February).
As you mentioned, I think I need to go gluten and dairy free again. Thank you for your recommendations, I will check out the videos soon.
[Blood Elements 1.png]
[Blood Elemets 2.png]
we can help facilitate access to functional tests like the GI Map with zonulin and the OAT for example. Just email with the tests you’d like to pursue, your full name, email address, date of birth, phone number, and billing/shipping address (if they’re different).
Iron on a hair elements is not a good reflection of iron status in the body. It’s best to test it in blood with ferritin and transferrin saturation.
I’m glad that your antibodies have come down. Removing dairy and gluten while working to address leaky gut will be helpful. Here’s the video on the triggers and causes of leaky gut (which I touch on as well in the previous video I sent you about thyroid autoimmunity), and here are some solutions from the Gut Health Masterclass course.
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