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Posted by unknown on October 25, 2022 at 4:17 pmi have been struggling with this for a long time one this time it was just gas pain then became e more serious , bloating constipation , back pain, gas pain diarhah.
i changed out magnesium calm citrate for magnesium biscalite ,enzymes aloe pro and pre bionics ,
apple cider vinegar. everything works for a little white .
then bad symptoms start again.
i am really super health as a an active 74 year old, but this is impacting my life in a negative way .
i joined this b better today to help me get back on track without having to go the pharmaceutical route.
thanking everyone in advance for your helpBernadette replied 2 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Hello Joanie – welcome to B Better! I’m so thrilled that you decided to join us and we will do our best to help you overcome your struggles with IBS and continue living a healthy and vibrant life!
To be able to help offer rapid relief solutions, can you please share if you struggle with more days of loose stools or constipation in a week?
If you have the time to watch the Gut Health Masterclass, please do so. The “nuts & bolts of how digestion works” section, will help you understand the major players responsible for proper digestion. If you don’t have the time, then please watch the summary video here. And then it will help to watch how easily dysfunctions happen or just the summary of the dysfunctions video here if your time is limited.
IBS is typically caused by multiple causes:
• dysbiosis (imbalance in gut microbiome), pathogens, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), and perhaps immunosuppression (ex. stress, medication, viral challenge). Have you checked your vitamin D, RBC zinc and vitamin A levels? Have you ever done a functional stool test like the GI map?
• Maldigestion (poor eating hygiene/frequent snacking, insufficient stomach acid, enzymes, and/or bile) – the videos above will explain this well.
• Food sensitivities or intolerance (are you consuming dairy and gluten? these tend to be the worst culprits)
• Dysmotility (ex. stress, hypothyroid, a need for magnesium, chronic stress)
• Estrogen dominanceThe first step is to address digestion from a North to South perspective. You’ll understand what I mean by this once you review the videos I shared above. If any of the 3 major players of digestion are affected (stomach, liver/gallbladder (bile), pancreas) it will impact everything down south and lead to IBS symptoms. Please take this Gut Health Quiz and let us know your score so we can help provide more targeted solutions.
I’ll leave it here for now and wait to hear from you. Let’s keep the conversation going…
Tagging you so you see my response:
So I am in South Carolina,
Hi Bernadette, So what’s the healthiest water to drink? Do I need install a water system in my home, if so what’s the best….. what’s your recommendation -
Hi – I’m so excited you’re here with us too!
Just a few pointers about the community spaces since I noticed you posted this comment in the IBS post thread… no biggie. I know it takes some time to get used to the forum.
If you notice on the left (from computer desktop view), there’s a left-side panel with different “themes/topics” or what we call “spaces”.
For any health-related questions, please create a new post in the “Ask Your Questions” space. (I’ve linked it for you here) To create a new post, there are 2 places to do that which I’ve circled in red in the image below. Once you click on ‘new post’, a pop-up will appear and you can type away, add a cover, images, etc.
[image.png]Hope this helps! -
so yes, I do recommend water filtration but the type really depends on your geographical location and current municipal water guidelines/standards.
In my Beginner’s Health roadmap, I have a pillar all about hydration, the different types of water sources, and the common water filters available.
If you don’t have time to watch it all, then I suggest you watch this video specifically to understand the 2 common types of water filters, how to test your water, and brands of filters and certifications I recommend looking for.
Please let me know if this helps and if you have any other questions. Happy to help you find the perfect filter for your needs. ❤️
Hi Bernadette,
I watched and listened to the entire roadmap. Where can I get the stuff from to test my water in South Carolina? -
in the US, Tap Score has water test kits. Here’s the website . I’ll add the link inside the Hydration pillar as well.
did you have a question to go with the image of those containers?
Hi good morning,
Yes, so these are these ok to store veggies and or fruits in? -
yes no issues. You can also look at cloth bags for produce
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