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  • Candida Overgrowth: How to Make it Disappear! (Part 1)

    Posted by Daniel on November 3, 2022 at 11:12 pm
    Candida can be a real pain in the… ehm gut. Here is a short summary on what Candida is, why it is so hard to get rid of and a little protocol advised by Kurt Woeller from Great Plains Laboratories on how to eradicate a Candida Albicans Overgrowth.

    But first…

    What is Candida Albicans?

    Candida is a fungus that lives in our gut. It can live in different forms. It can live as a Unicellular Yeast, but it can change its form and grows its hypha (its root or tentacle structure – see picture above) and become invasive. It can start digging itself into the mucosal lining and cause enhanced intestinal permeability or as many people call it: leaky gut.

    Candida is really ‘smart’ and can steal metals like heme iron, zinc, copper and manganese for its own survival.

    Why can’t our immune system deal with Candida?

    Candida likes glucose as its main fuel. White blood cells like neutrophils and macrophages ‘eat’ the candida and try to starve the yeast cell. But once glucose becomes unavailable, it starts to generate its own glucose (via a process called gluconeogenesis) from amino acids & fats from the immune cells. Candida can survive an attack from white blood cells by using its hypha to penetrate the cell wall. In fact, they can use the white blood cells as a taxi and use them as a transport to move to other tissues!

    How does Candida protect itself from antibiotics?

    Candida can create its own biofilm by producing proteins like adhesins. A biofilm is like a little comfortabel home where other species like bacteria & mold are welcome as well. The biofilm of Candida also has efflux pumps that, work as a sewer system and can get rid of the metabolic waste products of the yeast. When antibiotics enter the biofilm, the efflux pumps can spit out the antibiotics before they can do their job.

    Candida Albicans is a survivor. Click here if you like to learn more about Candida’s survival strategies.

    How to get rid of invasive Candida

    In the symptom dictionary, we have a summary of how to approach a Candida infection (click here). But here are some additional tips:
    • Dietary control through eliminating reactive and toxic foods 
    • Improving digestive system health and microbiome diversity
    • Eradicating opportunistic infections such as parasites, bacteria, including clostridia
    • Identifying and elimination of gut colonization of mold.
    • Eliminating or reducing environmental toxin exposures such as chemicals and heavy metals.
    • Consistent and ongoing antifungal intervention. Great Plains Laboratories advises the next combination:
      • Use interphase plus 45 minutes prior to anti-microbial remedy to weaken the biofilm
      • Give the prebiotic fibre PureLean (or other fibre/prebiotic product) one hour away (minimally) from the antifungal remedy. 
      • Use Activated Charcoal (AC)- 1 to 2 capsules, as needed, to help reduce or eliminate die-off reactions induced from the disintegration of bacterial and yeast biofilm. The AC can be given at the same time as the prebiotics. Another option is GI Detox. This product can be less constipating than the straight Activated Charcoal. 
      • The symptom dictionary gives a wide variety on what herbs to use. A nice combination product is Biocidin. A great alternative with even more research backing up the products are Candibactin AR + Candibactin BR
    • Confirm eradication of candida/yeast by for example checking Organic Acids Test or Microbial Organic Acids Test markers after 90 days. 
    Daniel replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • brican725

    February 6, 2023 at 3:44 am

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  • Daniel

    February 6, 2023 at 8:04 pm

    Hey ,

    That’s right. It’s really easy to do! Just click here to create an account. The links in the article will bring you to the right product in fullscript. Because you are a member of B Better, you get a discount as well. 

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