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8.11.22 Histology and OGD Report
Posted by naslam1603 on November 14, 2022 at 4:15 pmHi B. and Daniel,Please find attached my OGD report from 8.11.22 which involved having botox injection and dialation of pylorus.
I’ve also just received my biopsy histology report which appears to show reactive gastritis in my stomach. Would you happen to have knowledge on the terminology being used. It appears to be quite worrying.
naslam1603 replied 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Hey ,
I will help you with the translation, although the interpretation of your physician is leading. Let’s focus on the histology report and their findings in the stomach & oesophagus.
Under the ‘Microscopic’ section Alinea ‘B’ the histology report says:
• mild foveolar hyperplasia – this means that the tissue found in the biopsy in the stomach became bigger because of an increase in the number of cells.
• oedema – which means that the tissue is swollen
• vascular ectasia – which means the arteries are swollen and more vulnerable
• mild fibromuscularization of the lamina propria – which means the tissues of the arteries in the connective tissue (which is the lamina propria) have changed mildly in such a way that blood flow can be restricted.There was no H. Pylori seen in the biopsy although the IHC (Immunohistochemistry report that will come) could give more definitive information.
Reasons why the stomach tissue is ‘irritated’ are unclear. The use of NSAID could explain such an irritation, and a reflux of bile from the duodenum into the stomach (entrogastric reflux) could explain this as well. Alcohol use could cause irritations. Other medications as well.
Have you had an operation when you were younger called pyloroplasty? This is usually done when you are a baby.
Did you have a cholecystectomy?
For now, I would advise you not to use betaine HCl as a supplement. Focus on the healing of the stomach tissue.
And let us know what the opinion of your gastroenterologist is!
H. Pylori has showed up in GI MAP twice, both in June 2022 and October 2022. I suspect the reason for it not appearing in the histology report is due to the fact I’m on a H2 Blocker called Famotidine (antiacid). I always mention this to my Gastroenterologist, but he’s not convinced despite online it mentions you have to come off antiacids to check for H. Pylori. Unfortunately, I am struggling to wean off this medication.
Betaine HCL.
Sure, I understand. I am stuck in a vicious cycle. Do you think both gastroparesis and SIBO could be worsening the gastritis as chyme is not pushed through the stomach at the normal speed and therefore causing SIBO?Cholecystectomy and Pyloroplasty – No, never had these surgeries.
Next Gastroenterologists follow up appointment
Next appointment is on 5th December face to face. I’m trying to get an earlier appointment at a different location where he also consults. -
Hey ,
I do believe that abnormal stomach function can increase the risks of getting gastritis.
I also believe that poor conversion of T4 to T3 and the low B6 & folate (and suboptimal B12) are the ‘easier’ problems to address that could influence digestion.
The B vitamins are necessary for healthy nerve function (which in my opinion could right now play a role in worsening the dynamic) which is necessary for healthy GI function in general.
The low fT3 will also slow down motility in all parts of the GI tract.
Getting those 2 things in place is necessary for healthy digestion anyway!
Because the healing of the stomach lining can take some time, doesn’t mean you can’t progress in my opinion as well.
A low FODMAP food pattern is for example still a powerful tool that can help with SIBO.
Making liquids from slippery elm and marshmallow root like Bernadette suggested can help with the healing of the stomach lining.
Once you ended your period with healing you could try weaning off PPIs again slowly. In previous attempts of weaning off your medication, could you share with us how you did that?
We know that antiacids can slow down gastric emptying as well. Do you feel some medicines work better for you than others?I personally would be really interested in the opinion of your gastroenterologist as well.
• Does he for example feel that an entrogastric reflux is at play here as well?
• And how does he interpret the results of the Histology report? (Does he for example feel like testing again? And if so in what time frame?) -
hi. I’ll come back to you regarding your questionsadvise above.
More pressingly, do you want me to stop the B complex based on this point in brackets.
“The B vitamins are necessary for healthy nerve function (which in my opinion could right now play a role in worsening the dynamic) which is necessary for healthy GI function in general. “.
I’m sorry if I was unclear (english is not my mother language!). No, the B vitamins I would like you to take! We need them for healthy nerve function (Especially folate, B12 and B6 which were low or suboptimal on your OAT & Vitamins & Minerals blood test)!
hey buddy. You English is far better than my Dutch. Sure, I will continue.
Also, to let you know I’ve received the HTMA test kit today from the US.
I just had soup with blended chicken, brocoli, green beans, sweet potato and carrots. My stomach is reacting badly. To be honest, it’s reacting to anything I “eat”
I had saved the the marshmallow root and slippery elm post in Instagram. I can’t seem to find it.
Please can you post it here B. or Daniel.
I tried to locate it in clear view, but can’t find it here as well.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Following the Pylorus dilation and botox injection, I met my GI consultant on November 23rd. Attached is his clinic letter. I’ve attached the histology report and OGD report again as well.
There is an error in the clinic letter.
I take 25mg Amitriptyline and 20 mg Famotidine twice daily.
Ideally, I don’t want to be taking Amitriptyline at all.
He’s assured me not to worry about the reactive gastritis but I am. If I don’t heal it, I can’t progress with my other health issues.
Also, there is not H. Pylori detected, but GI map shows it.[Naveed Aslam 8.11.22 OGD Therapeutic.pdf][Naveed Aslam 8.11.22 Histology Report.pdf][Naveed Aslam 23.11.22 Clinic Letter.pdf][Naveed Aslam 8.11.22 Supplementary Report.pdf]
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