BBetter Home Page › Forums › Ask Your Questions › Low Ferritin levels for several years now, even with iron supplements, levels dont go up. Naturopath suggested heavy metal testing & we found high mercury & lead. Will address that then check again but is there anything else I should look at?
Low Ferritin levels for several years now, even with iron supplements, levels dont go up. Naturopath suggested heavy metal testing & we found high mercury & lead. Will address that then check again but is there anything else I should look at?
Posted by unknown on November 17, 2022 at 11:48 amBernadette replied 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 31 Replies -
31 Replies
Hi – there are so many reasons why iron/ferritin can be low, and that’s why I created the Mineral Balance course and filmed a section on iron. Here’s a video on the many possible risk factors for low iron.
And indeed heavy metals, like mercury toxicity can interfere with iron synthesis. And a heavy metal burden in the body often comes with parasites and other overgrowths like candida and yeast, which further compromises iron absorption because they love to eat it!
But watch the video above to see other risk factors and let us know what resonates with you so we can then help guide you on the next step.
For example, if you also have heavier periods and blood loss, then perhaps its due to estrogen dominance, which would take us down a different path to figure out why that’s at play. Lack of detox/clearance? Xenoestrogens? Lower progesterone?
Another common but overlooked reason is low copper. Do you supplement with zinc by any chance which competes with copper?
Since you know that heavy metals are present, definitely work on detoxification with your naturopath. In conjunction, a parasite cleanse (or several rounds of parasite cleanses) would be helpful as well.
I plan on filming a heavy metal detox course in the New Year and will be sharing my protocol which essentially is supporting Phase 1 and 2 detox, taking binders, and sweating! We eliminate most of the heavy metals through sweat, so exercise and saunas (3-4 days per week) will be key for you.
Please watch the video I shared above and let us know if you suspect any other factors at play in addition to heavy metals. We can then guide you on the next step.
thank you! Since my naturopath didn’t mention a parasite cleanse, would you be able to tell me a bit more?
I do know I have higher estrogen/ lower progestrone but It’s way better now. Been on Vitex the supplement.
To answer your question, I do take Zinc but not when the issue arises. The low Ferritin has been an issue for over 6 years, I started zinc religiously during Covid.
So next step, I’ll watch the video and will send back any comments/questions. In the meantime, I do exercise about 4-5 times a week. Will soon be introducing Sauna once a week in intervals with ice baths.
you can watch this video here in the Gut Health Masterclass about anti-parasitics.
Hi B, Ok so I make sure I understood correctly.
I already watched the “many possible risk factors” video – but just want to make sure what you think I should do as a next step given that
1. Mercury came back high – waiting on insurance to hopefully approve the 10-week treatment plan.
2. After that we’ll do another provoked test (i think that’s what it’s called but I’m sure you’ll know what i mean haha)
3. Check for copper, B6, 12, 2 & 9
4. I understood that I don’t have any malabsorption but I must say that certain foods come out as is (goji berries, corn…etc) – does that still mean I have malabsorption even tho tests show otherwise?
5. When do I do the parasite cleanse? last time we checked there was non so dr H didnt suggest to do another this time.Thanks
fyi – B12 is commonly tested. B9, B6 and B2 aren’t as popular. It’s also highly affected by what you ate before the test so make sure to stop any supplements with B vitamins.
If food is coming out, that’s a sign of maldigestion. But corn is a harder grain to digest so it may not necessarily be an issue. Do you see salad when you eat them? Or any other foods?
Parasite cleanse can be done during or after heavy metal detox. Your doctor will be best to answer that as it depends on how you feel during the chelation treatments. And testing often misses parasites. If you have high mercury, I can guarantee you’ve got parasites. And even if you didn’t, I generally recommend parasite cleansing at least 1 x per year.
Ok thank you. So what is the next step for me?
At the moment, I’m waiting for the insurance to approve the chelation treatment. After that I’ll do a parasite cleanse but will also ask my doctor + for the B results.
Did I miss anything?
Hey B! So the update is that till date the insurance has yet to approve the IV therapy that Heather recommended and so far I’ve done nothing about it. Any recommendations till I see the end of this insurance battle?
Hey B, Insurance finally approved some of the treatment meds but leaves me with almost 8K to pay out of pocket. I have a few questions for you before I proceed that are making me a bit on the edge about this whole thing.
1. If I can’t even pin point how I have this level of toxic mercury in my blood how can I be sure this will even help? I just still find it so odd that I can’t figure out the source. Then what is the point of treating something I dont even know where it came from. Or would you still go for the treatment if it were you?
2. If I decide to not go ahead with the IV treatment what alternatives should I look at?
3. If I were to go ahead what do you suggest my next step to be? -
glad insurance has approved some of the meds!
Yes, it’s still worth doing a heavy metal cleanse; whether it’s with chelation therapy or through rounds of more gentle liver detox support supplements & binders (like EcoNugenics PectaSol). Again, it depends on the individual and their unique circumstance. Chelation is invasive for sure but can really be helpful in severe cases (which I’m not sure yours is). I have personally had success with supplements and binders with my own clients (1 month cleanses at a time for a few rounds every 2-3 months), but a few did opt for chelation and did benefit from it.
If you’re on the fence about chelation treatments, as a next step, I would recommend getting a 2nd opinion from Dr. Sean Penny at Bedaya Polyclinic and discuss your results with him. He’s covered by insurance. Hopefully this will help give you better clarity.
Please let us know what he says if you do visit him!
not sure how I missed this message – apologies for that! But I just replied to you above in the first comment thread.
This is brilliant B! Thanks
My tests should >32 in mercury so the highest levels on that chart – not sure if that translates to a severe case or not. I don’t mind doing the chelation if I really have to but of course I’ll feel better having a second opinion + knowing what other alternatives I have.If I decide to do the liver cleanse/detox is that something you can guide me on here as well? I do have the medical medium book and I believe liver cleanse is in there too.
Next step, I’ll check with Dr Sean see what he says and report back before going for the chelation
Thanks x
Hi , yes – I can share my heavy metal protocol which supports the body’s own detoxification pathways but won’t be able to provide exact dosages for your unique needs since B Better is an educational platform. You might feel more comfortable following the directions from your practitioners if you’re looking for specific protocol guidance.
Thanks B. Will let you know when we get to that. Called Dr Sean but most likely not covered by insurance. Waiting to hear from Daman. He’s a homeopath so doubt it. Do you have any other Dr recos in case he is not covered? I’ve also scheduled an appointment with Dr Feruza who works at NovoMed since my case was transferred to her from Heather, because she’s covered. I felt that she was a bit resistant to the IV and more prone to other ways first. So I’ll try to gather her feedback and hopefully Sean’s and revert back. What drives me nuts tho is we can’t even figure out why or how I have these insane levels in my blood. Makes me wonder if the test can be false?
as I had mentioned to you before, the level shown on the test result reflects how much you excrete. And you took a chelator which naturally increases excretion of metals because that’s the job of the chelator so it will naturally be higher.
If Dr Sean isn’t covered (he’s functionally trained – not just a homeopath by the way), you can contact Dr Lylia Chub. She’s an integrative MD – meaning she can prescribe meds where necessary and recommend natural options where more appropriate. She also does chelation therapy at her clinic, and her consultation will likely be covered by your insurance. She works at Hope, Health & Happiness. Please keep us posted.
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