BBetter Home Page Forums Ask Your Questions Low Ferritin levels for several years now, even with iron supplements, levels dont go up. Naturopath suggested heavy metal testing & we found high mercury & lead. Will address that then check again but is there anything else I should look at?

  • Low Ferritin levels for several years now, even with iron supplements, levels dont go up. Naturopath suggested heavy metal testing & we found high mercury & lead. Will address that then check again but is there anything else I should look at?

    Bernadette replied 1 year, 9 months ago 2 Members · 31 Replies
  • unknown

    February 28, 2023 at 6:37 pm

     Hi B, just referring back to this where you mentioned he’d be covered by insurance hence my response that he wouldn’t be. Although insurance came back and said they’d cover 2500 AED per year. Still something lol. 

  • unknown

    February 28, 2023 at 6:41 pm

     Yes I remember you mentioned it but tbh did not understand if it would make it reach above 32? Like would that be the case? or would just make it a bit higher? Would it help if I attach the results here?

    I’ve scheduled Sean for next week & I’ll look into Dr Lylia if she has Chelation may be more would be covered by insurance. Thanks again for the referal 

  • Bernadette

    March 1, 2023 at 4:17 am

    so at least the initial consultation will be covered right?

  • Bernadette

    March 1, 2023 at 4:18 am

    ok keep us posted on what these other docs say about your results and suggested treatment options.

  • unknown

    March 1, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    yesss so I’ll go ahead and see them both. Let me compare these before comparing schools. Feels like a month full of research haha

  • unknown

    March 23, 2023 at 11:52 am

    Ok! Here we go!

    SO I went to see Dr Lylia who seems to be super informed but I am now even more confused. Dr Lylia suggest 10 rounds of IV chelation same as NovoMed Dr Heather but main 2 differences are:

    Lylia suggests DMSA + a lot more support in the IV versus Heather who suggests DMPS and support through supplements but no mention of Calcium/Sodium for example in the IV, at least not that I see unless I’m wrong.

    As per Lylia, she finds DMPS aggressive with side effects versus DMSA and she also notes that she will offer way more supportive supplements in the IV that NovoMed is not offering

    So I went ahead and asked Dr Heather and I’m also attaching her justification/response.

    So in the attached you will see:

    1) NovoMed protocol + Chelation medicine
    2) Dr Lylia protocol + Chelation medicine
    3) Dr Heather’s response (NovoMed) to my concern on DMPS

    I’m this close to getting Kambo ( who here knows what that is?) and calling it a day on both doctors haha. HELP PLEASE! [Ms. Angela Bishara prescription 15Nov2022.pdf][Angela_medical_report_for_insurance.pdf][Screen Shot 2023-03-23 at 3.49.20 PM.png]

  • Bernadette

    March 24, 2023 at 4:15 pm

     I can see and feel your confusion!! But you’re fortunate to be in a situation where 2 excellent functional doctors are providing you with their expertise. I don’t think you can go wrong with either of their protocols in terms of a heavy metal detox.

    Both DMSA and DMPS are both synthetic pharmaceutical chelators that work very well to the point of being toxic themselves. So the important thing it to have a skilled doctor dosing it for you. I’m confident in both of their skills.

    So ultimately, it boils down to cost and who you feel more comfortable with. I have clients who have worked with both so I feel you’re in safe hands with either doctor.

    Dr. Lylia’s approach is also tackling a little bit of the dysbiosis with some other supplements, whereas Dr. Heather is simply focusing on the chelation at this point. However, perhaps it’s because Dr. Heather simply wants to focus on heavy metal cleansing now and she’s keeping it very simple and straightforward.

    So like I said – look at the cost breakdown and listen to your gut feeling. Who do you trust. That will be the right answer.

    Metals can really affect brain health and mood and this is often the first symptoms to improve after starting chelation treatments. Can’t wait for you to start this process and hear about your progress!! 

    I’m also tagging  who has experience in chelation therapy and can hopefully share his personal experience as well.

  • unknown

    April 4, 2023 at 4:24 pm

    Hi B, sorry took me a while to respond as it’s been super confusing and overwhelming for me.

    While I wait on insurance to approve and look at what Dr Lylia shared as a protocol, I got my blood results from Novomed which caused me to be alarmed due to Dr Feruza from NovoMed flagging my low white blood cells count (attached).

    So while I was there, a Hematologist asked me if I had done iron infusions before jumping into chelation and shared how he does not necessarily agree with the provocation kind of tests and how they are not accurate to which they advised another test – some biomagnetic something also attached and to get on iron supplements for 60 days then see him and then do Iron infusion if Ferritn was still very low

    To which Dr. Heather strongly disagrees and vouches and firmly believes that through the chelation my malabsorption, low ferritin, and hormonal imbalance will be solved.

    I then checked out Dr Sean as we discussed, and he also vouches for iron infusions and believes for a heavy metal test to be accurate there’s some genetic tests that need to be taken I can not remember exactly what he said no but I am sure you know what he means.

    I am super overwhelmed and drained. I can not even tell what my gut feeling feels. One second I want to just go with what Heather is saying since its approved and another I feel concerned about injecting something toxic in me without trying other things but then Heather says we already tried other things to which I do not recall so I am utterly baffled and not sure what to do.[Bio test.pdf][Lab report Dr Feruza – NovoMed.pdf]

  • Bernadette

    April 5, 2023 at 10:14 am

     mercury is known to lower WBC. Same with red blood cells.

    As I told you before, provocation tests exaggerate the results which is what the hematologist and Dr. Sean are probably eluding to.

    But there is in fact a mercury toxicity issue. What’s unclear and debatable is the actual level due to the provocation. But that’s not important – the goal is to get rid of them!

    And I agree with Dr. Heather that your main symptoms are likely all tied to heavy metals. The method you choose however to eliminate these metals, is up to your preference.

    As I said before, chelation is invasive, but effective. For that you have 2 doctors who are able to help. Each of their protocols seem valid. Again, I would choose the doctor you feel most comfortable with if you choose chelation.

    The other method is supporting your body’s own detox pathways and using a more natural/less invasive approach, which definitely takes longer (several months longer). You didn’t mention what Dr. Sean’s protocol would be. Did he say?

    So it boils down to 2 methods; chelation vs. natural drainage support.

    In terms of iron infusion, there’s also no right or wrong answer here. Your levels aren’t terribly low, so I personally wouldn’t go for it at this stage unless there’s really strong fatigue. I’d probably wait until after I start a detox protocol (chelation or natural). So it’s just a timing issue.

    I know you’re feeling very overwhelmed right now, so I suggest not making any decisions at the moment until you’ve given yourself time to mull it over in your mind and heart.

    What I do when conflicted about making a tough decision is to list my concerns. So what are your concerns about chelation therapy and what are your concerns about the more natural approach? Write them all out. You can post them here too and we might be able to help address some of these concerns to help you work through the decision process.

  • unknown

    April 6, 2023 at 8:48 am

    Thank you B – So much! 

    I’ll respond to this point by point. 

    Hematologist’s point was that yes hence the bio magnetic test (attached in the previous comment)- were you able to look at it? please let me know your thoughts. As for Dr Sean he argues that there would have to be I can not remember how many genetics tests were done for it to be accurate. Hematologist does not believe there is even Mercury after the bio test & Dr Sean only agrees to a detox (attaching his recommendation + additional info he just sent through: 

    ” I suggest getting iron levels optimized as a priority and working on the lymphatic system and liver at the same time – Metal detox to follow once Iron and ferritin are optimal – Malabsorption – need to send additional reports if any to check if that is even something we need to address specifically”
    [Screen Shot 2023-04-06 at 12.28.20 PM.png]

    Re Chelation the protocol Dr Lylia suggested is currently with insurance but forget that she strongly disagrees with DMPS. Anyway, If I went for chelation I guess I would choose Novo since I am more familiar with them. Although Lylia’s protocol seems to have way more support for the system.

    I feel like I should try natural drainage support first and then resort to chelation if all else fails I know it will take longer but then at the same time why not do chelation and then support my system to get rid of this faster and heal sooner. 

    In terms of iron infusion, were you referring to my iron levels or Ferritin? as the one in question is not the iron but the storage of the iron.  

    Yes, good idea to give myself some time but try to also not forget as I tend to be super forgetful time goes by and I end up doing nothing then years down back to square one. Let’s say I put a timeframe to decide hopefully with this community’s support I reach a decision by next Friday.

    My concerns with Chelation: 

    1) I was told it can be toxic to my body – to me, that sounds extreme to go for unless we can prove the level of heavy metals in my body – if it’s a MUST to get rid of now.
    2) I was told it could trigger unidentified autoimmune but Heather strongly argues that it is not the case. Sean argues it could – how can I decide on this – I would not want to play with fire here
    3) 10 IVs is a long period of being exposed to this. Might be hard on the kidneys 

    Why I would go for Chelation: 

    1) I do trust Heather
    2) Want to get this over with
    3) Battled a long battle with insurance to get 14K out of 22 approved. I do not know what could happen a few months down the line by the time I try natural ways.

    Concerns for natural ways: 

    1) Repeating things I’ve done since I am forgetful and perhaps done before. Point zero
    2) Wasting time then would have to do Chelation anyway if does not work
    3) Dr Sean is even opposed to pink Himalayan salt for example which I know you B are a big fan of so who is to say he will be right with his advice? way too many contradicting opinions out there

    Why I would do natural: 

    1) Could kind of be refreshing to try from scratch with someone new and focus with one person & try new natural supplements or mixes never tried before
    2) To be honest he felt more genuine and less businessy in how he felt about my frustration but then again I do not know what his costs will be for the entire protocol when we deep dive
    3) No harm can come from natural 

    Those are my thoughts – my very messy ones.
    Thank you all


  • Bernadette

    April 8, 2023 at 12:56 am

     I’m glad you’re writing things down. Let me answer your questions point by point as well.

    I took a look at the bio magnetic test. I have mixed feelings around all types of bio-resonance tests. They can be hit and miss. My take is do this as a last resort when all else “proven” fails.

    I was referring to both iron AND ferritin.

    It seems you’re leaning more towards Sean’s protocol and approach but worried about losing the option to do chelation with insurance. I would suggest reaching out to your insurance and finding out how long the approval is valid for if you decide to proceed with chelation treatments at a later stage. If the approval is valid for at least 3 months, maybe give yourself time to do the “natural drainage approach” and see how you feel in 3 months, and then go for chelation if no changes/improvements. Also ask insurance what happens if you decide to delay treatment now – what is the re-approval process. I think this will help you feel less pressured.

    Also reach out to Dr. Sean and ask him about additional anticipated costs beyond consultation visits if you decide to proceed with his protocol. That will also help answer many of your questions and remove variables.

    I’ve set a reminder in my calendar to check in with you next Friday. Hopefully you can work on getting these answers, so that you can make a decision by next week.

    Here for you!

  • unknown

    April 10, 2023 at 12:07 pm

    Thank you B so much! Can’t tell you how helpful your support and feedback makes me feel. I appreciate it 

    I’ve been trying to get an answer from Insurance already with regards to that. Still pending an answer from them.

    I’ve also asked to schedule an appointment with Dr Sean the soonest but you are right. I think I am sold on Dr Sean to begin with. 

    I somehow also feel I could use a clean slate since I’ve been with Heather for a very long time and maybe switching things up could be useful.

    Also worth noting that my cycle is always on time which I believe is a really good sign. So I will choose to believe in my natural abilities to heal with the support of natural detoxing and binders for the heavy metals and get on that water filter and anything else that can help me be less exposed at home.

    Thank you again <3

  • Bernadette

    April 10, 2023 at 12:26 pm

     I’m happy you’re gaining clarity and more confidence in your decision. Sometimes we just need to get all our thoughts out… And you’re right – achieving hormonal balance is definitely a positive sign.

  • Bernadette

    April 18, 2023 at 11:01 am

     promised to check in with you on Friday about making a decision… I gave you a few extra days. Have you heard back from insurance and Sean regarding re-approvals and extra costs? Are you more convinced with your decision and way forward now?

  • unknown

    April 25, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    Hey B!

    Forgive me for the delayed response. It’s been so busy and I’ve been recovering from a mild concussion that’s making me not feeling my 100% but still keeping busy which I guess has been delaying my healing.

    So on this topic, insurance not yet ( following up) but I have decided to go with Sean for many reasons and the most important one is I feel relaxed and like he knows how to not overwhelm me with too many restrictions or protocols.

    Step 1 now is just 2 drops & 2 supplements to help with detox and the antibodies on the thyroid. This Thursday it would be 2 weeks so will do my 2nd iron infusion and then we will move next to heavy metal binders & malabsorption (not sure in which order).

    He suspects that some of this could be due to what we see in the attached thyroid tests so we will also work on improving that.

    In a nutshell haha I really feel comfortable with Dr Sean and it could do me good starting with someone new/different methods.

    Thanks again B and of course any thoughts are welcome 
    [Angela Josephine Bishara_Free Thyroid Report_April 13 2023.pdf]

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