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  • Dysautonomia – POTS

    Posted by maitha_mak on December 7, 2022 at 9:02 am
    Hello B, Thank you for this community. I’m hoping you could help me connect the dots during my healing journey.

    I’ve been struggling with lots of different health issues which you’ve helped me address before when we worked together back in 2019. We ran tests which showed up as (IBS, Reactivated EBV, Positive thyroid Antibodies, Elevated CPK, irregular Heartbeats).

    I did supplement for a while but my body is in a weak state that we just tried nourishing it and couldn’t do any cleanse/detox, because I’m too sensitive to supplements/meds.

    I’m currently doing Homeopathy and ANF therapy to help manage my symptoms because the have been affecting the quality of my life to the point where I can’t do daily tasks. There are days where I can push through them and crash in the evening, and days where I would just have to cancel everything and just lay there. (My worst days are usually just when my period starts until post ovulation – day 16,17 – of my menses. Those are the days where I have to cancel every plan and just push through those days at home. That is literally 2 weeks of every month where I cant function at all)

    Recently my symptoms have gone so bad that they are almost daily (Irregular heartbeats/ Digestive Issues/ Extreme fatigue/ Nausea/ body pain) and I reached out to a cardiologist that confirmed I have (POTS – dysautonomia). His solution is to get started on a beta-blocker, and if the beta-blocker affects my BP then give me another medicine to raise my BP.

    I’m not convinced that a beta blocker would fix my issues, it might help with my heart symptoms but I’m left to deal with the rest of it (IBS/ fatigue/ body pains…etc). He explained to me that dysautonomia isn’t curable but can me managed with meds.

    Please give me your thoughts about it, and have you come across any studies that offer promising alternative therapies for dysautonomia?

    Appreciate your input on this.

    Kind Regards,

    Bernadette replied 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Bernadette

    December 7, 2022 at 10:17 am

     when we worked together, I was just beginning to educate myself on mold illness, and now looking back, and hearing your current situation, I strongly suspect mold and compromised detoxification pathways are contributing factors.

    I do recall you did a Mycotox test which baffled us both with zero levels being shown, but this can also be proof that your body is not letting it out in urine, and therefore not showing up on the test.

    I have worked with 2 other clients with dysautonomia and both struggled with mold illness when we dug a little further, hence my strong impulse to blame mold.

    Other toxins can also be at play like heavy metals, but in the end, the goal is to increase your ability to clear out these toxins from your body and strengthen immunity. And of course, avoidance of these toxins.

    If mold is at play, avoidance is key. And this is where I would start. Have you ever conducted an ERMI test to check the level of mycotoxins at home? Unfortunately, we do not have a proper mold inspector in Dubai, and so I usually present my clients with a few different options. The ERMI test takes dust samples on a cloth that is mailed to the US for analysis. If levels come back elevated, then we bring in the mold remediator and available inspectors to find the source and remediate or move out if severe!

    I know I’m not answering your question about the suggested medication, because this is simply symptom management and not addressing the cause.

    What I have recommended to my clients with dysautonomia is  DNRS therapy (

    I would also recommend doing virtual emotional release sessions with my Insta friend Dr. Gonzales. You may already be following him.

    Both of these modalities help the body heal at a level not possible with diet, exercise, supplements, etc. They are a must in my opinion.

    Let me know your thoughts, and let’s keep the conversation going…

  • maitha_mak

    December 8, 2022 at 6:54 am

    Thank you for your input and suggestions. Yes I remember we did the Mycotox with a negative result.

    I did contact the guy who treats molds that you shared with me before, we found two small areas of the house where we had water damage and got those treated for some mold growing. Those are areas in the house what we don’t always spend time in, but again you never know.

    I have 2 questions though:

    1. Instead of testing my home again for mold, how can I test if I have compromised detox pathways? Is there like a reference?

    2. Knowing that I have EBV, I came across different websites that say that EBV is one of the main causes of Pots- dysautonomia (Medical Medium, and other websites).

    So I’m assuming if thats the case, then addressing EBV but with a compromised detox pathway won’t work?

    How do I work on my detox pathways first, whether its mold or EBV.


  • Bernadette

    December 8, 2022 at 9:28 am

     are your referring to Omar? If so, he’s a mold remediator, not an inspector. Unfortunately, nobody here does a thorough enough inspection. Looking into AC units/ducts and using a humidity reader is not enough. Attached is a document by Brian Karr to help you see what to ask when looking for a qualified mold inspector:[10 Questions to Find a Mold Inspector.jpg]Since an ERMI test was not done of your home, this is where I would start to be honest to rule out this option. We need to confirm that your environment is safe.

    Another common but overlooked cause can be toxins or infections in the mouth. Do you have amalgam fillings, root canals, extractions done in the past? Was a 3D cone beam scan ever done to rule out hidden infections?

    EBV is also not usually a cause but rather a symptom of a weakened immune system, that allows it to reactivate. The question to be asking is what is compromising your immune system.

    Given that there is an autoimmune dynamic, please watch this video on Autoimmune Disease Facts and then this one on Autoimmune Thyroid Recommendations. You’ll see the recommendation for cat’s claw and lemon balm for strong viral surges to keep it at bay while looking for the root cause(s).

    Another client of mine who had EBV reactivations was caused by a genetic condition called hemochromatosis. High iron can be toxic.

    And once again, the emotional component/traumas. If your body is sensing it is in fight or flight mode, this can allow viruses to surge.

    What is interesting to me is that you mentioned that your worst days are in the follicular phase of your cycle (period until ovulation). I’m assuming your pituitary was checked before?

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