Abnormal cervix cells
Hi , I had abnormal cervical cells in 2018 (level 1 of 3) and removed them with the LEEP procedure. They found more severe abnormal cells (level 2 of 3) right now and I have a dull ache on and off since October. Everytime I mention it to my Obgyn she says it’s probably nothing. I had an ultrasound on my uterus in October and it was normal. I’m having hot flashes now too and my hormones seem intense sometimes too… smells are more prominent, moods are up and down… I’m just worried these doctors didn’t catch my abnormal cells in time. The dull ache I have is like a pressure in my utuerus and it drives me crazy. I can take Tylenol for the pain but that’s not the point. What should I do with this pain besides get another ultrasound? I also want to mention that I have hpv 18/24 which is a a more severe hpv strain.1. I’ve also been having to pee frequently throughout the day. I mean it’s so bad that I have to time when I drink water before I go to the store so that I don’t need to pee at the store or on my drive home from the store. Is this pressure in my uterus really my bladder?
2. I’ve also been having shorter periods. They were usually lasting 7-9 days and now they’re 4 days long. The time between each period every month is normal though.
3. I have been working out more, mainly my flutes and legs. I have been putting weight on my pelvis (about 60-90lbs) maybe 1-4 times a week doing glute bridges. Not sure if this is related.I just starting taking turkey tail and AHCC, but micro doses because they make me nauseous so I’m trying to build a tolerance.
Should I be getting a colposcopy every year since I have a high strain of HPV? I’m shocked they wait 4 years to do another colposcopy. My paps have been normal every year, even this year it was normal. I want to live a long life.. I’m only 32… I know this isn’t an emotion support group… but I’m just so afraid of the malpractice in the US and the “c” word (cancer) really makes me nauseous just thinking about it. I’m getting an mri of my pelvis area to see what they find as well. Otherwise, don’t know what else I can do in the meantime
Do you think the abnormal cervix cells are causing the dull ache in my uterus? The Obgyn said they are separate form each other so the uterus pain should not be caused by the abnormal cells
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