• Posted by naslam1603 on March 25, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    Hi B.

    May I ask you a question about Mum. In October 1998, she had an hysterectomy operation which was sucessful, but post surgery there were complications and she was in and out of hospital a couple of times.

    Over the past three years, the open wound has raised it’s ugly head where abscess together with odour from the area has been causing her alot of pain. Everytime, the GP has been prescribing her a medication called Flucloxacillin and advised her to keep the area clean regularly as the wound is between two layers of tummy fat.

    Whilst this was happening, I requested her GP be referred to the hospital, but we were passed from one hospital to another or department. There was also a lot of waiting in between due to the NHS referral system, where it can take 3 months to be seen.

    Two weeks ago, we were eventually seen by a Dermatologist who took a swab and the result has just come in where it says she has anearobes. It’s worrying. Have you come across this? See below screenshot.

    The dermatologist also mentioned mum will also be called in for a Biopsy. I’m assuming now that they’ve found anearobes, they’ll take biopsies ASAP.

    She’s been suffering a lot over the past three years due to hospital delays  or GP  errors.


    Bernadette replied 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Bernadette

    March 26, 2023 at 7:02 am

    Hi  sorry to hear about the mishandling of your mom’s case. Anaerobes do not need oxygen to grow, and at the same time, oxygen can kill them.

    That’s one of the reasons why ozone therapy can have such a positive effect on a wide range of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even some protozoa, and why it’s used to disinfect municipal water supplies in cities worldwide.

    Here’s a great referenced article on the utilization of ozone for external medical applications. He has a few other articles on ozone if you care to dive deeper.

    The company that I like for topical ozonated products is Pur03.

  • naslam1603

    March 26, 2023 at 7:42 am

     Thank you B. Is this for finding easily treatable?

  • Bernadette

    March 26, 2023 at 8:44 am

     difficult to answer. Depends on the type of pathogen and strength of her own immune system & microbiome health. Hopefully so.

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