BBetter Home Page Forums Ask Your Questions Mold, Lyme Disease & Heavy Metal Toxicity Hey B & Daniel, how are you’ll? I’d really appreciate some advice

  • Hey B & Daniel, how are you’ll? I’d really appreciate some advice

    Posted by resh1016 on March 27, 2023 at 8:50 am
    Hey B & Daniel, how are you’ll? I’d really appreciate some advice – I had really intense Mold toxicity symptoms in 2019, and for a few months now some of the symptoms have been starting to come back.. especially the gut and anxiety related ones. I now know I was exposed to mold again + I still have leaky gut and candida / SIFO (seen in a gut zoomer test).

    I have some amazing supplements + am happy to do any avoidance diet for however long + I will sauna, rebound, dry brush, go for walks, do enemas, liver packs etc. I basically want to know.. how can I put this all into a protocol for myself? I have all the information, but am finding it incredibly overwhelming to figure out where to start, and would love to be able to have some guidance. I basically want to design a daily schedule of lifestyle, supplements and diet for myself that I can just follow.. so it’s not so daunting. I’ve done the food alone and the supplements alone at different times of my life, but neither work separately and honestly I just want to be well again! I’m tired of going round and round in circles.

    Do you know anyone that can help guide me to put it all together into a schedule that addresses all 3 areas comprehensively?

    Bernadette replied 1 year, 9 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Bernadette

    March 27, 2023 at 9:34 am

    have you seen our new mold course? It addresses exactly this! I share CellCore’s done-for-you protocol and also my guidelines for creating a customised protocol. I strongly recommend making time to watch it as it will help you feel less overwhelmed hopefully.

  • resh1016

    April 5, 2023 at 7:27 am

    I thought I had done the leaky gut and Mold courses, but upon closer inspection, it turns out I didn’t actually. So I’m going to do that first and then come back on here if I have any questions.

    When I design a protocol for myself, is it ok to post it on here to get yours and Daniel’s overview on it?

  • Bernadette

    April 5, 2023 at 10:16 am

     yes of course!

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