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Acid Reflux during Fasting
Posted by maralfalasi on March 30, 2023 at 10:46 pmGood evening,I found that with Invisalign, the taste of water from stainless steel bottle has changed & acid reflux and nausea has returned.
The acid reflux increases mostly in the afternoon during the fast and when laying down to a point where I feel I will literally throw up. I already use Bitter Spray prior to meals. May you please advise on what else I can do to treat the acid reflux?
Thank you
Bernadette replied 1 year, 8 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
@ it’s not uncommon for religious fasting to contribute to acid reflux since lifestyle habits change during this period. This study here shares the many different pathways that increase the risk of GERD.
For example, eating less than 3 hours before bed and less sleep was positively related to GERD, sitting or walking after a meal instead of lying down was negatively correlated with GERD, and proper physical exercise (physical exercise >30 minutes (>3 times/week) was negatively related to GERD. During Ramadan, eating later, sleeping later/less, and less physical exercise can all make one more prone to GERD.
Even certain foods can trigger acid reflux like cooked tomato sauce, citrus juices, coffee, black tea, soda, alcohol, peppery or spicy foods, fried food, chocolate, and things with mint in them (e.g. gum, mints, toothpaste, tea). Are you consuming more of any of these foods?
In terms of rapid relief, gut healing nutrients like marshmallow root, slippery elm, zinc carnosine, glutamine, aloe, etc can all be very soothing to the gut lining.
If acid reflux continues after Ramadan, I would explore H Pylori overgrowth and other root cause reasons which I share in the Acid Reflux Symptom Dictionary handout.
Hope this helps.
Thank you. Eating and sleeping habits have changed during fasting, but my food remains limited either way to salads, soups, meat or chicken. Of course no alcohol consumption either during this month or otherwise. My exercise is usually in the morning. My acid reflux occurs in the afternoon. For the past few days, since Sunday the 9th I’ve started developing pain behind my eye that spread to my ear. This would get better after I break my fast but not so much today that this side head pain was accompanied by severe reflux and throwing up twice while fasting and after breaking the fast despite the limited food that I was able to eat just to break my fast. It felt better after the second time.
I will check H.Pylori after. Any recommendation where and how to check it? Also, the Acid Reflux Symptom Dictionary Handout link has taken me to a page with good access request. I’ve put in the request to be granted access to read the shared document.
The reason I mentioned Invisalign in my initial post because somehow I felt that my reflux Re started with using it. I’ve checked with the dentist and she confirmed that it’s possible as there is a major work done by the teeth that can affect some people! Interesting to know & makes me wonder if it’s actually true.
Hey ,
Since the problems with access to content are resolved you could also try this link! It will bring you to the acid reflux symptom dictionary handout.
I’m unaware if Invisalign itself can cause acid reflux. It isn’t documented, but that doesn’t mean that it can happen. The discomfort or pain that Invisalign could cause does however impact stress levels. Stress can cause acid reflux, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
I hope that this answered your question!
Thank you. The link works now.
I’d like to correct an information I’ve written earlier. I meant to say that Invisalign can cause nausea rather than saying it can cause acid reflux.
I never heard of that before, so can’t confirm. My boys have dentist appointments today at Dr. Roze so I’ll be sure to ask as well.
You can test for H Pylori with a doctor using a breath test (considered gold standard), but I’ve often seen false negatives. I also don’t like that it’s not quantitative. It’s either positive or negative. The PCR H Pylori stool test by Diagnostic Solutions however does quantify the result so it’s easier to track progress when re-testing. We can help provide the requisition for that if you’re interested. Just email and provide your contact details; full name, email, date of birth, phone number, shipping/billing address if different.
I just realized I didn’t get back to you. I had asked the dentist about Invisalign causing nausea, and he said that yes, it does happen to some patients. He said in some people, having something in the mouth triggers the gag reflex. He said it’s more common in pregnant women.
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