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  • Really bad cough/high blood pressure

    Posted by jennain on April 19, 2023 at 1:17 pm
    Hello. I would really appreciate some guidance. My mum, she has a Really bad, gagging, hard cough. She is really weak right now since she resently did a detox on her own and kinda messed her up .  She was starting to recuperate from it and my dad got sick and of course she followed. She takes immune stuff and all that. She is actually very healthy eater.
    The thing is!!!!! She takes high blood pressure pills. She cant have ANY SALT, or sodium. Any cough suppressant causes her blood pressure to go up and she gets really sick. Even the natural ones like the flaxseed recipe that Berna has shared.

    My long msg is just to explain a little why she is weeker than normal and need for help.
    Right now she hasnt been able to sleep. And the cough medicine a dr gave her (he said it would cause her blood pressure to go up, and it did) made her worse. And she just feels really bad.

    Thank you

    jennain replied 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • jennain

    April 19, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    I also need to mention she has a something issue….. don’t remember the name… but she can’t eat certain foods

  • Bernadette

    April 19, 2023 at 2:21 pm

    Hi  – sorry to hear about your mom. Can you please share the type of medication she’s on to control her blood pressure. And does she have kidney disease? Why was she advised not to have any salt.

    Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, a lack of sodium can actually contribute to hypertension and worsen the problem.

    And I’m not sure if you’ve seen the protocol for blood pressure solutions, but this might help her in the meantime while working to address the root cause of her high BP.

    In terms of rapid relief for her cough, if the flaxseed remedy isn’t bringing her relief, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) and glutathione have shown to help with lung health issues. 

    You mentioned she’s doing all the immune stuff – can you please specify what she’s currently taking/doing, and what is/isn’t working.

    Please do keep us posted.

  • jennain

    April 19, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    Thank you!!!!! My mumma: 
    Blood pressure- micardis 80mg (am) 40mg (pm) 
    One kidney is working only 50%

  • jennain

    April 22, 2023 at 1:19 am

    Hi, its me again
    My mumma is feeling really bad and I don’t know what to do, she went to a dr, he told her she has a sinus bacteria, gave her antibiotics and she was throwing up feeling extremly nervouse and anxious. 

    Is there something i can tell her to do

  • Bernadette

    April 22, 2023 at 7:28 am

     for bacterial infections, I personally resort to silver hydrosol spray up the nostrils, together with high dose systemic immune support (vit D3, zinc, vit A). Depending on how bad/advanced the infection is however, antibiotics may be needed.  This needs to be discussed with her doctor. If she’s not tolerating the antibiotic or doesn’t want to take it, I’ve had success with 2 sprays per nostril of silver hydrosol (Argentyn23 or Sovereign Silver brand) taken up to 7 x per day for an active infection.

  • Bernadette

    April 24, 2023 at 8:18 am

     how’s your mom doing?

  • jennain

    April 24, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Thank you for all the help and for asking. My mum was hospitalized. I think we almost lost her but now she is stabled! There was a lot going on in the end. At the clininc they did test. The first dr was wrong and gave her the wrong antibiotics (they were way to strong). She had a really bad reaccion.

    She never had a a sinus bacteria. The test showed her sodio y potassium where dangerously low. Hyponatremia I think, plus all the other complications.

    Thank you for asking. 

  • jennain

    April 24, 2023 at 12:36 pm

    She is stable and responding. We just need to figure out the next steps for her. I am moving soon to the USA, mayb we can find her a functional dr. Also she will join as soon as she can to learn and be able to ask questions.

    I am soooo thankful for this platform! I didn’t know where to go or ask for help! Thank you for creating this space

  • Bernadette

    April 24, 2023 at 12:41 pm

     I’m so sorry to hear about the misdiagnosis that lead to further complications but I’m glad to hear she’s now stable thankfully. Hope her doctor is allowing her to add back in some salt into her diet? As I had mentioned in an earlier message, a low sodium diet in itself will over time contribute to blood pressure issues as it requires a very fine balance between sodium, chloride and potassium.

    I explain this dynamic in more detail in this video here (start at 2 min 42 sec) in the Adrenal Balance course if you’d like to better understand how it works.

  • Bernadette

    April 24, 2023 at 12:50 pm

     wow – big changes coming up for you!! Which state are you moving to? We have many members based in the US so  hopefully you can connect with them. We’d love to have your mom here with us too, and I agree, finding her a naturopath or functional MD is a good idea. Will she be moving with you?

    In the meantime, I’m not sure if you saw the protocol I sent earlier but there’s this device in the US that helps reduce BP naturally using the power of guided deep breathing.

  • jennain

    April 24, 2023 at 1:02 pm

    Yes its big changes I move in July. My mum is not coming with us but she can visit constantly. So we all agree we need another kind of a dr specially for my mum. 
    We are moving the florida – orlando. 

    I am going to the hospital to talk to her kidney dr and see the whole diet thing so

    Thank youuuu

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