Hey ,
There is discussion about common components of sunblock. For example, oxybenzone, which is used in a lot of brands, has been linked to endocrine disruption (see this article here).
Personally, I don’t use sunblock that much as well. I do use non-toxic options occasionally – but not often.
Other ways to protect your skin from the damage of sunlight are astaxanthin supplements. They protect the skin against the forming of free radicals. Astaxanthin from Designs for Health is an excellent brand you can try.
Oily skin
Sometimes skin can become quite oily due to hormonal changes. Androgens like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) for example can increase oily skin. Sometimes other ‘symptoms’ can present themselves when androgens are elevated like: irregular or heavy cycles, acne and male pattern balding.
If you recognize these symptoms, we could give you some guidance as well.
Elevations in androgens can be caused by an imbalance in blood sugar regulation. In this case, improving insulin sensitivity can lower androgens. the nutrient Zinc has also been shown to reduce androgens in women (click here if you like to see the research).
I hope this helps!