• Posted by b_safapour on June 7, 2023 at 12:40 pm
    Hi B, hi Daniel
    I received my daughter’s blood work. I tried as much as I can to interpret it, also went through some of Gut Health videos again.
    I told the Dr. to run more or less the same markers as I did minus the full thyroid panel. Which is why he did fasting glucose, Insulin and HgBA1C, thank God, but I am very surprised by her results and it already stresses me out so much
    She is 14, on her period for 1 year now, has physical activities 5hrs/week (tennis and swimming), eats a healthy balanced diet throughout the week, but when they meet with friends, I have no
    eyes and control over it, but I know it’s sweets and fast food.
    I suspect some mild mold toxicity from the apartment where she first grew up in (never tested), and I believe she has some HM toxicity through me during pregnancy as well food sources before I knew better (rice, non organic chicke, etc).
    So, this is what I gathered:
    Vitamin /Mineral need: Vitamin D, B6, Iron, HCL
    Insulin resistance and pre diabetic situation is due to liver stress. Her high Alk Phos with NO elevated ALT, AST, GGT and low triglycerides are a sign for digestive stress and sluggish bile.
    She needs digestive bitters and some Ox Bile, D-Limonene and Taurine to get rid of the sluggish bile. She has been on 2000 iU/daily of Vitamin D since Jan, the fact that her Vitamin D is still low can be caused by sluggish bile, too!?
    Her Monocytes 1 year ago were 8, now 11. In April she had a throat and ear infection, but I doubt it’s still elevated from that. But where there are HM and mold, parasites are not far
    Low iron= low hemoglobin
    Kidneys are stressed (low Globulin and Creatinine) due to toxins.
    I will increase Vitamin D, support immune system, add Berberine, support proper digestion. And I need to support the liver, here I need your help pls.
    I have already a full plan to support liver and detox with castor oil packs and saunas etc, but that is for after the summer.
    Also, I am sure I forgot few things which you gonna ask me….

    Thank you for this platform and what you all do, I already feel less stressed by sending you this and am very much looking forward for your feedback


    b_safapour replied 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Daniel

    June 7, 2023 at 11:05 pm

    Hey ,

    I think you are doing a great job with the interpretation! With kids sometimes we do need to keep in mind that their bodies are changing. For example, alkaline phosphatase can also elevate when children grow as a result of accelerated bone growth.

    The first question I would like to ask you is, are there any current symptoms present? Is she for example experiencing anemia-like symptoms? Are there gut-related symptoms present?

    Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is indeed fat-soluble and is, therefore, best absorbed with meals, preferably containing some fat. With vitamin D, genes can also play a factor. For the production of bile salts, we need vitamin B6. Having low ALT and AST values like hers can be a clue for more need for vitamin B6. This in time can also help her absorb fat and fat-absorbable vitamins like vitamin D. Until that time digestive support can be of help.

    Creatinine is also a waste product from muscle. If she has lower muscle mass (perhaps she is small for her age), this could also result in lower creatinine levels. I wouldn’t dismiss these values, but without symptoms, I wouldn’t be too worried if she has a little smaller for her age. It is good to follow up on these labs later and see what happened.

    Same here: globulins bind hormones like sex hormones (SHBG for example). Her body is in changing and when sex hormones start to rise, this isn’t a smooth process. It’s bumpy and it takes a few years before a more regular production is there. The body needs to learn.

    Again: good to follow up later if not any major symptoms are present. It all depends on the symptoms though.

    Insulin Resistance
    I totally agree that some insulin resistance is already present. The pancreas, which helps with digestion, might not be functioning optimally, which can cause some maldigestion as well. Do you know if she experiences any insulin resistance-related symptoms?

    HM and mold toxicity
    Are there any symptoms present that can relate to HM and mold toxicity? Did you for example take a look at this video?

  • b_safapour

    June 12, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    Hi Daniel, thank you for giving me a peace of mind last week, I meant to reply to you earlier. I wasn’t aware that there are some variations in kids labs incl the ones you mentioned which were also out of range in my daughter’s case.
    Answering your questions with regards to symptoms: she shows few symptoms around her cycle, like headaches, break outs, stomach pain. Other than that nothing to report. 
    I will definitely work on improving her diet, specially making sure that proteins are prioritized and eaten first with fibers and good fats.
    Will optimize vitamins and minerals and re test 2-3 months after the summer. Thank you

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