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  • Bile pool in stomach during endoscopy

    Posted by vidyaavr on July 19, 2023 at 11:59 pm
    Hi B and Daniel – I need help please.. after the following symptoms for on and off for 4-5 months , I was referred to gastroenterologist

    1) a discomfort in upper right abdomen
    2) a metallic taste in the mouth most of the time
    3) last month – severe discomfort and gnawing pain in upper abdomen mainly after breakfast .

    Two weeks back , I had severe chest pain and ended up in ER. They did blood work along with Liver function test and was told everything was normal. And was prescribed ppi -twice a day for week and once a day for the second week. I finished the course and still don’t see major improvement.

    I will attach the results separately. So apparently, gastroenterologist did gastroscopy today and he mentioned he saw bile pool in the stomach. The lab results will take 2 months it seems .

    I suggested to my family doctor if he can consider the possibility of low acid a couple of months causing the acid reflux, but he denied that immediately.

    They did an usg of abdomen in January and found fatty liver.

    Now , I am not sure what I should do now. Can you please help . My symptoms exist as

    1) different taste mostly feels like metallic most times especially when I am not eaten
    2) discomfort on the abdomen as I eat
    3) no appetite
    4) on and off discomfort under the ribs right upper abdomen

    Thank you . I am new to Canada and it took me 7 months to convince the family doc to give me referral to see a gastro . Even now I don’t know what next . Please help. I feel lost



    Bernadette replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Bernadette

    July 20, 2023 at 3:08 pm

    Hi  – I share your frustrations with the Canadian medical system. My family live here as well and it’s so difficult getting them proper care and testing beyond emergency care.

    Where do you live exactly? I found which allows people to order their own tests in certain provinces without the need to visit a doctor. We’ve also partnered with a few labs that ship to Canada for functional tests so you have access to that. Another option is to find a naturopathic doctor who will review your case more holistically and order labs accordingly. The downside is obviously the cost since none will be covered by insurance and is all out of pocket.

    However, given your symptoms and what your gastro found, it’s clear that you’re struggling with hepatic-biliary (liver/gallbladder) dysfunction. The question is WHY!

    Based on the limited set of labs you shared, adrenal hyperfunction seems to be a pattern that I’m picking up on. In other words, high stress. Higher levels of chloride, CO2, sodium and lower potassium all indicate this pattern. I discuss it more in this video in the Adrenal Balance course.
    Your glucose is also suggesting possible insulin resistance – was this test done while fasting? 

    Blood sugar dysregulation can definitely impact the liver and lead to fatty liver. Has anyone measured your blood sugar levels before (fasting insulin, fasting glucose, HbA1c)? This would be a major root cause to address if that’s what’s impacting hepatic-biliary function. 

    Please watch these 2 videos to see if you have any of these symptoms that can point to different stages of insulin resistance:
    • Phase 1 & 2 signs and symptoms
    • Phase 3 to 5 signs and symptoms

    I’ll wait to hear back from you on the above so we can continue guiding you. I do have suggestions for liver/gallbladder support, but first really want to help you get to the bottom of WHY that’s happening in the first place.

  • vidyaavr

    July 20, 2023 at 5:58 pm

    Thank you much for responding, B!! I stay in Ontario. A suburb of Toronto. So , I guess this will work for me.

    With regards to insulin resistance, yes I am diagnosed as pre diabetic. I had hba1c as 6 an year back .

    Let me look it it the videos. How do we find the cause for the bile reflux? Do we need any scans to check for any obstruction? Is there any other supplements that I can take ?

    I am already diagnosed for GERD and moderate chronic gastritis .

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  • Bernadette

    July 20, 2023 at 6:56 pm

     – The liver which produces bile and dumps it into the gallbladder (our bile “storage tank”), plays a MAJOR role in blood sugar regulation so to help address the fatty liver and bile reflux, reversing your pre-diabetes diagnosis is going to be key in helping you! Luckily we have a whole Blood Sugar Regulation course available that can help you with that and I highly encourage you to make the time to watch it from beginning to the end to really understand the different organs involved and solutions for reversing this dynamic including dietary changes and supplements to consider taking.

    I would encourage you to fill in this 3-day food journal honestly and as detailed as possible so that we can provide you with some dietary guidance.

    Stress is another factor that can affect blood sugar levels. Stress alone can make a person diabetic believe it or not! And your labs do show a pattern of high stress, so would you say this is a major factor for you, or perhaps a combo of diet and stress?

    Stress can also lead to low stomach acid secretions, H Pylori overgrowths and gastritis. Have you ever tested to see if there’s an H Pylori overgrowth? True Health Labs has the H Pylori only test by Diagnostic Solutions. It’s listed as $339 USD. We can give you access for $173 USD + shipping if you email

    If finances are an issue, you can always take preventative action by following this H Pylori support protocol such as the Matula tea. But before doing so, it’s important to provide some gut healing support first for at least 30-60 days to help “put out the fire” so to speak before doing any kind of killing. It’s also important to ensure that you’re not constipated. If constipation is an issue, then we have the Constipation Relief program you can follow step by step. That would be priority #1.

  • vidyaavr

    July 20, 2023 at 7:27 pm

    I am assuming they did hpylori when they did gastroscopy yesterday. I will wait for those results .

    I will work on food journaling.. but honestly, my food habits are pretty much clean as I generally cant handle fatty spicy stuff.. after this episode of stomach issue started, my food intake has lowered so much ..

    also I noted that recent days I am stinking a bit more underarms than normal.. I don’t know if it has anything to do with this liver dysfunction .

    What can I do right away to ease the stomach pain/discomfort /breathlessness especially after eating. Any food supplements that can help. I am sorry to ask so many questions. I just kind of feeling lost and overwhelmed with all these symptoms

  • Bernadette

    July 20, 2023 at 8:04 pm

     ok, let us know about the H Pylori.

    Regarding your food journal, what I’m looking to see is whether or not it’s low glycemic so please do fill that in please.

    Regarding the underarm smell. Whatever cannot be detoxed by the liver and excreted into bile and through stool will come out through the skin, so it’s very likely connected as well. Do you have a well formed bowel movement minimum once daily? It should be a type 3-4 on the Bristol Stool chart.

    Please describe the type of pain you’re experiencing after eating. Is it a specific time of day? After certain foods or after every meal? And what kind of pain is it? Burning? And how soon after eating does the pain occur? Please try to provide more details about that particular symptom so we can help.

  • vidyaavr

    July 20, 2023 at 9:32 pm

    sure. I will start filling up from tomorrow .

    With the pain – the pain is not burning . It is more of gnawing pain .. extreme discomfort. It start immediately after eating and sometimes is there for more than couple of hours. I feel better with no eating.. as soon as I eat my right upper back and the liver area starts paining too..mildly.. and there is a constant metallic/weird taste in my mouth all the time.. it gets better if I eat something.. but it comes back in no time.. there is a mild irritation on my throat too.. is the pain different with different food? May be .. but I will note more that and will confirm.. this pain / discomfort reduced when I was taking ppi

  • vidyaavr

    July 20, 2023 at 9:33 pm

    I am usually prone to constipation. But it is okay now. I go mostly everyday (5/ week) .

  • vidyaavr

    July 20, 2023 at 10:15 pm

    I also want to mention that , back in 2020 , I had severe episode of acute gastritis.. I got severe stomach pain unable to even walk kind of pain after every meal for 2 weeks . I was in States then. Met a gastro and he did endoscopy and found acute gastritis. That pain is different from what I am going through now . This is very new

  • Bernadette

    July 21, 2023 at 12:14 am

     the pain you’re describing could be pointing to liver/gallbladder dysfunction as well. Pain in the upper back and metallic taste is common with gallbladder dysfunction. The throat pain could also be bile related due to silent reflux.

    Until you know if H Pylori is negative or not, you might want to consider digestive support such as consuming bitter foods or digestive bitter tinctures before meals. If it causes a burning feeling, then you might need a period of gut healing first as I mentioned previously. Something like GI Revive powder has soothing compounds that can help heal irritated tissue both in the stomach and throat.

    Diluting apple cider vinegar (ACV) in a bit of water 5-10 mins before meals would also help stimulate digestive secretions to help you better digest your meals. If it’s too strong, lemon juice is milder than ACV.

    A digestive enzyme that is high in lipase may also help provide relief since bile function may be compromised. Bile helps emulsify fats (i.e. gets it into a form that is breakable) so that the lipase enzyme can break down the fats. I explain this further in this video in the Gut Health Masterclass. Please watch it as it explains the gallbladder’s role in digestion. I share different digestive enzyme options in this video such as Enzalase which is higher in lipase.

    These tips would help provide rapid relief and support digestion while working on reversing blood sugar dysregulation and supporting liver/gallbladder health.

  • vidyaavr

    July 21, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    hi B – I got this report that was sent to my family doc by gastro .

  • Bernadette

    July 23, 2023 at 10:30 pm

     do let us know when the biopsy results are in and whether or not they checked for H Pylori overgrowth

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