BBetter Home Page Forums Ask Your Questions Lab Tests, Markers & Interpretations Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut)

  • naslam1603

    August 29, 2023 at 3:49 pm

    [Naveed Aslam 25.1.23 Precision Point Intestinal Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assesment.pdf][Naveed Aslam 29.8.23 Precision Point Intestinal Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assesment.pdf]Is this the reason why I react to foods?

  • Daniel

    August 29, 2023 at 8:51 pm

    Hey ,

    A leaky gut can indeed make you react to foods or break down products of gram-negative bacteria called LPS (Lipopolysaccharides). It is easier for undigested foods and LPS to get into your body which means the immune system needs to get busy. As a result, the immune system gets more busy.

    This is why you have more LPS antibodies for example.

    I don’t think all results are bad and it’s also important to put these values into the context of your healing journey.

    For example:

    If you have changed your diet by consuming foods/supplements that kill gram-negative bacteria while your gut is still leaky, you will expose your body to higher levels of LPS. If this causes reactions, you might want to use a milder approach and dial down a notch with these foods/supplements. In this case some gut healing nutrients like quercetin and zinc L-carnosine. Aloe vera can help as well.

    On the other hand: if you have mold colonized in the gut (which damages the gut lining) and you are feeding the mold, your gut lining might have taken the hit. You might want to check to do the next few things:
    • Reduce simple carbohydrates like sugar
    • Check if you’re eating moldy foods (dried fruits, coffee, tea, grains, dairy products, etc)
    • Check if you’re still exposed to mold from your environment. 

    It also helps to eat gluten-free. Gluten will give rise to zonulin production. Zonulin opens the doors(tight junctions) between the cells in the lining of the gut. It makes the gut more leaky and will give your body more exposure to LPS and other stuff that happens inside the gut.

    Are there things you are currently doing from the list above that you feel you could improve on?

  • naslam1603

    August 29, 2023 at 9:10 pm

    Hi Daniel,

    Just to be sure, did you see the results labelled 29.8.23 date? Compared to 2021 and January 2023, the results appear to be much worse.

    Unfortunately, yes. I am having oatmeal and jasmine white rice in the morning and evening respectively. Craving for sugar is rife.

    There is mould in the home. I didn’t realise it can affect leaky gut until you mentioned it. The mould mainly is invisible, but a machine has picked it up.

    Did my OATS test pick up mould inside my body.

  • Bernadette

    August 29, 2023 at 10:09 pm

     mycotoxins can absolutely affect the gut lining, which I discuss in this video in the Mold & Mycotoxin illness course (4:50min mark).

    Did your mold inspector provide a report of their findings? What did they suggest be done? This absolutely has to be prioritized for your healing.

    If you cannot get out of mold right away, I would recommend watching Dr. Jill Crista’s course “9 Things to Know While Still in Mold” (discount code BBETTER for 10% off) to help mitigate the negative impacts of mold.

  • naslam1603

    August 29, 2023 at 11:41 pm

     I’ve purchased this course. Tomorrow, I will upload the report sent to me by the inspector and the Ermi report. There is quite a lot involved in remidiating the home.

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